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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Category: CPU

    Does My Computer Need To Be Fast

    This is one of those how long is a piece of string questions we get asked a lot at Townsville computer repairs Nerds. Without knowing exactly what you need to do with your computer it is always hard to ask such an personal question. However, there are some basics we can run you through, and what yo might need from… Read more →

    computer repairs in townsville

    Windows 10 Updates Have Killed My Computer

    Keeping your computer up to date is one of the most important things you can do on your laptop or desktop machine. Updates not only help keep your computer safer and fix vulnerabilities or holes, but keep your computer running at optimal performance with software, hardware and operating system enhancements. In a nutshell Windows operating system updates and upgrades are… Read more →

    computer help townsville common problems

    Common Computer Problems We Can Help You With – Part 1

    Every day we see new computers problems we have never seen before. With the vast amount of people using computers and the internet and amount of developers and apps being release every day, there is always something new things to learn and a new issues to address regarding computers and computer problems. However, there are also regular problems we see… Read more →

    computer hacks

    Over Heating Could Be A Sign Of A Virus

    Most people when they us because their computer is running very hot, assume it is because (from doctor Google) their internal CPU or Case Fans has stopped working or are clogged with dust. Although conventional would suggest this to make sense – it is usually never the case. Your computer gets hot for all sorts of reasons, usually though it… Read more →

    Townsville computer repairs video editing

    Some Basic Video Editing Understanding

    Today I am going to write some information about video editing and some basic requirements for your computers. At Townsville computer repair Nerds we come across a lot of people now who do video editing on their computers. Disclaimer, I am not a professional videographer or editor, and none of my customers are. However, we keep coming up against the… Read more →

    new web browser concept townsville

    Opera Neon Concept Browser

    Your web browser is the program you are using right now, most likely Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. It is the application you use to access websites on the internet like Townsville Nerds. Originally web browsers were only designed to do a couple of things like display text. Gradually they improved adding media such as Music, video and… Read more →

    townsville computer man

    Three Reasons Your Computer is Running Slow

    There are literally millions of reasons your computer will run slow. Its easy to think just because your computer is running slow, it is getting old. Although age can play a part on your computer running slow, it is usually not the reason. When we talk about a computer running slow as its getting older, unless it’s the hard drive… Read more →

    data recovery townsville

    Common Mistakes When Building a Computer – Part 4

    CPU Power Connection Your CPU will need its own power. The power connection comes directly from the power supply and is much smaller than the connection you connect to your computer. You might have everything installed correctly and still hear and see your computer power up, but it will not post unless you have power running to the CPU.  The… Read more →

    computer setup hard drive

    Common Mistakes When Building a Computer – Part 3

    Buying Incompatible Parts It very easy with all the excitement to buy the wrong parts for you new build. Not all CPU’s will work with all computers and motherboards and not all RAM (memory) will either. When buying computer parts to build your own computer it’s very important to research what components will work together. Currently Townsville Nerds does nit… Read more →

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