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    Common Computer Problems We Can Help You With – Part 1

    Every day we see new computers problems we have never seen before. With the vast amount of people using computers and the internet and amount of developers and apps being release every day, there is always something new things to learn and a new issues to address regarding computers and computer problems.

    However, there are also regular problems we see time and time again. Most of these problems can be repaired quite easily,

    In fact, a lot of common computer problems can be repaired easily if they are attended to before damage gets worse. Continued running of a computer with errors can cause from loss of data and applications to psychical and catastrophic failure.

    Common Problems:


    Computers Running Slow

    One of the most annoying problems is a slow computer.

    The main reasons a computer runs slow because too many applications are running at the same time. All the programs on your computer are fighting for your attention.

    When you install them you might not know they are adding themselves to a list of program starting up automatically in the background when you start up your computer or login to your account.

    As more and more programs do this your computer will run slower as all the programs are using up your resources such as hard drive space, memory and CPU (central Processing Unit) cycles.


    Computer Freezes

    The main culprit for computers freezing is usually incompatible hardware or drivers.

    Your drivers are the programs on your computer which help your operating system talk to the physical components like video card and motherboard.

    Sometimes these hardware components are faulty or not compatible with the programs you are using (like playing a high definition computer games). Also, either by manually installing or by update, sometimes the wrong drivers can be installed making these hard ware components run bad and making your computer freeze.


    Laptop Shuts Down By Itself

    When a computer shuts down by itself, or gives a BSOD (blue Screen of Death) it is usually done on purpose.

    In order to protect you, your computer and the data on it, when your computer gets to the state where something very bad could happen, it will shut itself down in order to protect.

    An example of this is when fan stops working on your CPU, or for any reason your Central Processing Unit get to hot, the computer will shut itself down in an attempt to protect itself from being destroyed.


    Computer Wont Boot Up

    When your computer physically starts up and you can see it is getting power but it wont boot into your operating system like Microsoft Windows, Linux or Apple OSX, it usually means it can not read the hard drive.

    This could be because the hard drive and psychically failed or because the operating system is unreadable due to corruption, deleted files or viruses.

    There can be many reasons why this happens but these are the usual reasons.

    Also if you have had a bad update or installed the wrong drives, your operating system might not find the right hardware it is looking for to boot up properly.


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