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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Category: Burning

    computer hacks

    Over Heating Could Be A Sign Of A Virus

    Most people when they us because their computer is running very hot, assume it is because (from doctor Google) their internal CPU or Case Fans has stopped working or are clogged with dust. Although conventional would suggest this to make sense – it is usually never the case. Your computer gets hot for all sorts of reasons, usually though it… Read more →

    USB Hard Drive Townsville Computer Man

    Booting from a USB Drive

    USB Thumb and hard drives are great for storing information away from your computer and for backing up important files you don’t want to loose. Just like your hard drive inside of your computer, your external hard drive or USB drive can store information and actually work exactly how your internal drive does. That is, if you do not want… Read more →

    CD Burning Townsville Image

    Understanding CD, DVD and Blu-Ray Burning

    Most of us have burn a CD or some kind of optical device at one time or another. When CD burners came out mainstream in the late 90’s everyone was on it. People where making their own CD’s (Compact Disks) rather than buying them from the music store and seemed likeĀ it couldn’t get any better. It wasn’t long after DVD’s… Read more →

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