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    Over Heating Could Be A Sign Of A Virus

    find someone to speed up my computer in Townsville

    Most people when they us because their computer is running very hot, assume it is because (from doctor Google) their internal CPU or Case Fans has stopped working or are clogged with dust.

    Although conventional would suggest this to make sense – it is usually never the case.

    Your computer gets hot for all sorts of reasons, usually though it is not a whole lot different than us. The harder you work, the hotter you get.

    Most of the time when computer are hot ts because they are doing a lot. On the surface it might not seem like a lot is going on, but in the background there can be a lot of things which might be making your memory, hard drive or (CPU) central processing unit work overtime.


    Updates and Upgrade

    Your computer might have been the latest and state of the art when you bought it. But over time it has started to slow down and get a little hotter.

    This can occur with major upgrades and updates for programs and operating systems.

    It is probably not your computer actually getting any slower, but more so it might be because it is being asked to do more in the background.

    Unfortunately, it seems to be the nature of the more something gets updated on a computer, the more features it acquires, the more processing and computer power you need.

    You might still have the same horse in the race, but the jockey might have put on weight or grown some to slow it down!


    Computer Virus

    Viruses do all sorts of things from destroying your data, spying on you, physically harming your and basically just out to cause a menace.

    When your computer becomes infected it can behave quite unpredictable. This can cause conflicts with the system and antivirus as well as putting more demand on the existing physical components.

    A lot of viruses now have the intention of spying on you which requires a lot more processing power. With more processing power comes more work load and in turn more noticeable heat on the machines as it try to accommodate the demands.


    Physical Problems

    Yes, a broken and seizes fan can cause your computer to be hot – but this isn’t the main problem we see with physical problems causing heat in computers.

    Your mechanical hard drive spins very fast – somewhere between 5400 – 7200 RPMS. As the drive gets older, or as it is asked to work extra hard because of any update, virus, upgrade or simply poorly written software it can generate a lot of heat.

    Internal hard drives do not come with fans and can be very hot to touch with your hand so be careful So hot infact, you can feel their heat usually through the bottom of the case as they are also over worked.








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