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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Category: Notebook

    computer repairs in townsville

    Windows 10 Updates Have Killed My Computer

    Keeping your computer up to date is one of the most important things you can do on your laptop or desktop machine. Updates not only help keep your computer safer and fix vulnerabilities or holes, but keep your computer running at optimal performance with software, hardware and operating system enhancements. In a nutshell Windows operating system updates and upgrades are… Read more →

    townsville computer repairs

    Laptop Wont Turn On

    Laptops or notebook computers are a fantastic way to do every day computing, and a great way to do things on the go. You can almost do just about everything on a laptop that you can do on a desktop computer. Most computer gamers and video editors will us e a desktop computer, but they can even do these hardware… Read more →

    computer help townsville common problems

    Common Computer Problems We Can Help You With – Part 2

    Black Screen After Update This is very common now in Windows 10. Many people are reporting there is no login screen or nothing at all on the screen after a Windows 10 major update. That is when they go to turn their computer off or during use your computer informs you it is updating or upgrading. Although it feels like… Read more →

    Computer Virus Removal Townsville

    Virus removal for your notebook, laptop, PC or Desktop computer in Townsville. Computer Virus Removal Townsville and computer viruses in general can mean a wide variety of things. More than ever there are many different types of viruses which do all sorts of things from destroying your data, locking your computer, holding files to ransom until you pay them, spying… Read more →

    computer help townsville common problems

    Common Computer Problems We Can Help You With – Part 1

    Every day we see new computers problems we have never seen before. With the vast amount of people using computers and the internet and amount of developers and apps being release every day, there is always something new things to learn and a new issues to address regarding computers and computer problems. However, there are also regular problems we see… Read more →

    Logical Data Recovery in Townsville

    Understanding Data Recovery and Failing Hardware

    Data Recovery is a very broad term. Simply wanting your data you do not have access to, is data recovery. In a lot of circumstances your data is not lost, it is still there. However, it might be the electronics of the drive which have failed and need to be repaired, or your computer is not working properly, rather than… Read more →

    help with data recovery in townsville

    Data Recovery From Your Primary Drive

    What is a Drive The drive in your computer, also known as a hard drive, hard disk or solid state drive is a device in your computer for storing information, programs, operating system files and personal data such  as movies, pictures and documents. Hard drives are not only for computers.  Although this post will specifically be directed at the hard… Read more →

    computer hacks

    Over Heating Could Be A Sign Of A Virus

    Most people when they us because their computer is running very hot, assume it is because (from doctor Google) their internal CPU or Case Fans has stopped working or are clogged with dust. Although conventional would suggest this to make sense – it is usually never the case. Your computer gets hot for all sorts of reasons, usually though it… Read more →

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