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    Three Reasons Your Computer is Running Slow

    There are literally millions of reasons your computer will run slow. Its easy to think just because your computer is running slow, it is getting old. Although age can play a part on your computer running slow, it is usually not the reason.

    When we talk about a computer running slow as its getting older, unless it’s the hard drive slowing down, it’s much more likely its actually running the same speed, but as you use it more, demand more from it in the way of updates and upgrades, its much more likely your computer can’t keep up.

    This post will explain 3 very common reasons computers run slow.

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    Dust inside the case

    Although there are not a lot of moving parts inside your computer or laptop case, dust can still make your computer run slower.

    Like all electronic devices, computers run better when they are cooled.

    Having dust inside your computer, on the components and more importantly blocking the flow of air which is used to cool the components like the CPU (Central Processing Unit) will definitely cause your computer to work harder as it heats, using more electricity, effecting performance and causing more wear and tear on your parts.


    Malware and Viruses

    Malware usually does not go out of its way to make your computer slow.

    Most viruses now have an objective and it is usually money related. They want you to buy something, sign up to use a service, a piece of fake software, or to spy on you to get bank details etc.

    In an en-devour to do this it does put undue strain on your machine and you can often see a loss of performance. Your computer might take longer to boot, freeze or become really slow and lag when trying to execute programs.


    Major Software Upgrades

    As touched on a little in the first paragraph, your computer might not be running slower – you have just asked more from it.

    Software vendors and developers are always trying to not only improve their applications, but make them better by doing more compl;ex tasks. The trade off for this is they demand more from your computer.

    Newer computers wont have a problem with this usually, but older ones without the latest hardware advancements will sometimes show a loss of speed.

    Your computer is either always asking for updates, or updating by itself in the back ground depending on the software such as operating system, antivirus etc.



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