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    Some Basic Video Editing Understanding

    Today I am going to write some information about video editing and some basic requirements for your computers.

    At Townsville computer repair Nerds we come across a lot of people now who do video editing on their computers. Disclaimer, I am not a professional videographer or editor, and none of my customers are.

    However, we keep coming up against the same issues for a lot of our customers and what their needs are when doing basic video editing (no Hollywood Blockbuster type stuff).

    Video editing can be vert taxing and hard on your computer. Even the basic stuff can pull a lot of resources from your computer making it run very very slow. In fact, that is the number one problem our customers come to us with, when video editing. That is, their computers are running to slow and what can they do about it.

    From our experience there are three things a computer needs when video editing. Saying that there are actually many more. But for the basics and doing what our customers require, there are 3 very different components, which do three very different things.

    This posts hopes to explain this to get a better understand of what you need and what each part does.

    computer repairs townsville


    RAM Memory

    Your Video editing program and working file you are making you video in will require a lot of RAM.

    Video files are very big. And the more video you make, the more grahics and effects and the bigger the file is, you will require more memory. This type of memory is not storage on your computer. But rather focused on your working file and as that increases so will the need for more RAM.

    Also, at the same time as editing your video file, you will still need to run some basic operating system functionality in the background to make your computer run. RAM will also be allocated to that.

    For this reason – At least 16GB to 32GB of memory is needed and recommend even for basic video editing.


    CPU or GPU

    Both, but the both do different things.

    Although a great processor and great graphics card will both be beneficial to the stability and usability of your video editing software like Adobe Premier or Apples Final Cut Pro X. You don’t necessarily need the latest and greatest. It really depends on what you are doing.

    We find, when working on your timeline in your video editor and using real time footage to see what you are doing, a decent processor like a I7 Quad core and up can help tremendously.

    Specially if you are importing effects and have fast footage. Having a fast processor with a lot of RAM will make working on the file in real time much easier and less of a hassle with choppiness.

    Where the graphics card comes in, is not when you are working on the file as much (to a degree), but when you are rendering your actual file.

    Having a decent graphics card when you build and export your movie file from development into the actual movie at the end can turn hours into minutes.


    Solid State Hard Drive

    SSD hard drives are much faster than the basic mechanical standard traditional hard drive.

    They have come down a lot if price and are cheaper than memory now. You don’t get as much bang for your buck in the way of size, but when it comes to speed can be 5 to 20 times faster.

    Video editing software loves solid state drives and having more than one; one for your operating system and files and one for your video files, can make the video editing experience so much easier and less painful.




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