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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Tag: laptop

    screen townsville computers

    My Screen Has Stopped Working

    One of the most common computer problems we see, whether its a laptop or desktop PC computer, is customers can here the computer starting up but can not see anything on the screen. This can mean many different things, from the actual display not working to the internal components failing inside the system. It can also be very hard to… Read more →

    computer might be infected townsville nerds

    10 Signs Your Computer is Infected with Malware

    Malware is short for Malicious Software. Computer viruses are part of the Malware classification and be really be any software designed to damaged or disrupt computer systems, networks, files and programs. Over the years Malware has continued to change and do a  lot more than damage your system. Now we have a whole lot of different players being sent all… Read more →

    Townsville RAM Memory Problems in laptop

    Computer Not Using All The RAM

    You have gone out and bought a great desktop computer, with all the bells and whistles, including an awesome graphics card, a super fast solid state hard drive and a tonne of DDR memory, only to start playing that latest game or an application and you find out your computer is not running as fast as it could. The problem… Read more →

    townsville computer repairs

    Laptop Wont Turn On

    Laptops or notebook computers are a fantastic way to do every day computing, and a great way to do things on the go. You can almost do just about everything on a laptop that you can do on a desktop computer. Most computer gamers and video editors will us e a desktop computer, but they can even do these hardware… Read more →

    Townsville computer geeks

    Computer Battery Warnings

    If your computer still works when it is no longer plugged into the power in the war, you have an internal rechargeable battery inside your computer which should get you at least a few hours of power when not plugged in. Over time and after a certain amount of recharge cycles these batteries retain less charge and do not last… Read more →

    Computer Virus Removal Townsville

    Lesser Known Viruses In the previous post I outlined 7 viruses we see at Computer Virus Removal Townsville on a daily basis. However the list is long and ever changing so computer virus removal Townsville are always on the look out for new viruses to be aware of. Below are some lesser known viruses which can affect computers and you… Read more →

    computer repairs in townsville

    Graphics Cards in Laptops

    Other than the noticeable difference between a desktop computer and a laptop, there are also a lot of differences under the hood as well. The basics of computers are the same, a motherboard, processor, memory and hard drive, but the way they are all bundled together and arranged is quite different. Unlike a desktop computer, installing and interchanging a graphics… Read more →

    townsville deleted computer files

    How to Securely Delete Your Data

    WARNING: By doing the following you will permanently delete your data and it will not be recoverable!   Why Do You Want to Securely Delete Computers are now part of every day life. We use them for work, school, entertainment and for personal reasons. The data on your hard drive is information and depending on who has access to it,… Read more →

    speaker beeping when turning on computer

    What are Beep Codes – My Computer is Screaming

    Have you ever turned your computer on, and it didn’t start up properly. This is not uncommon, but when it does become alarming is when your computer doesn’t start properly but it also literally sends alarms bells in the form of high bitch beep noises. When your computer starts up it performs a POST (Power-On-Self-Test). This is a quick test… Read more →

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