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    Computer Virus Removal Townsville

    Lesser Known Viruses

    In the previous post I outlined 7 viruses we see at Computer Virus Removal Townsville on a daily basis.

    However the list is long and ever changing so computer virus removal Townsville are always on the look out for new viruses to be aware of.

    Below are some lesser known viruses which can affect computers and you should be aware of. Being connected to the internet makes you are target and justr because these viruses are not as popular does not mean you can not get hit by them.

    computer virus removal townsville


    Overwriting Virus

    An overwrite virus is a technique this viruses uses to overwrite your data multiple times.

    A lot of the time deleted files can be recovered, but if the space on your hard drive which contains a file is overwritten multiple times, it can be harder or impossible to recover.

    This type of virus has no objective other than to be a menace and try to hurt you and we see it a lot at Computer Virus Removal Townsville and surrounding suburbs,


    Network Virus

    As the name implies this type of virus is transfer over the internet or local area network.

    Anytime you share files or resources from your computer over a network you are opening up a part of your computer which people are accessing and criminals will use to take advantage of you.

    On large networks where shares are present and vast such as universities or businesses with lots of computers and shared files, Network Viruses can replicate and spread at the speed of light and many computers can be infected quickly without anyone even knowing.


    Stealth Virus

    Stealth viruses are very smart and do a good job of being undetected by your antivirus programs. Antivirus programs are very good but not 100% at finding and deleting viruses.

    These types of viruses can evade antivirus programs by tricking them into thinking they are legitimate programs on your computer. They do this by making them self, making them the same size and in Computer Virus Removal Townsville opinion acting as if they are legitimate files to achieve their objective – depending on what the particular variant was designed to do.


    Fat Virus

    This type of virus takes advantage of the FAT file allocation part of your hard drive which is necessary for your computer to run properly. Computer virus removal Townsville do not see a lot of these viruses anymore but they are still out there.

    Its objective is to destroy sectors on your hard drive which in turn host files which are usually not able to be recovered.

    I cant think of too many reasons to make a virus like this other than mischief. However, i have read about more sinister objectives like corporate espionage etc.


    Encrypted Virus

    Encrypted Virus are very hard for antivirus programs to detect as they can only see them as random code, not making any sense, at least until they decrypt and start executing.

    For the most part Computer Virus Removal Townsville see these types of virus do not delete or hide or hold your files to ransom. However they have been associated with making your computer and server perform very badly.


    Directory Virus

    If one of your files or applications is infected with a Directory Virus it can be very hard to find and destroy.

    This type of viruses changes paths very quickly, making it not only hard to find and detect it, but also other programs will not be able to start properly them self and in some cases computers as well.

    When this happens you don’t have a lot of choices but to mount the hard drive offline and try and re[pair the damage.

    You might have to resort to finding your data manually this way and wiping the drive, reinstall the operating system and reloading your files and programs back onto the computer. Computer Virus Removal Townsville can help you with that also.


    Macro Virus

    Many programs on your computer use Macros and this virus will search and infect the applications and files.

    These will perform operations which will not only affect the programs, but use them to their advantage, Much like the Melissa virus n the 90’s which worked like a worm and emailed itself to contacts in email programs and spider-ed out.

    This is a prime example of always keeping your computer updated. Making sure your programs are up to date and with the latest security fixes amends to prevention is better than the cure.


    File Infector

    We at Computer Virus Removal Townsville think this is a notorious virus which infects the executable files in your computer and runs parallel.

    Every time you open and run a legitimate program on your computer which is also infected can run the virus on your computer in background at the same time without even knowing. This can do many things including installing other viruses mentioned above including adding spyware to your system, malware and adware.


    Computer Virus Removal Townsville

    The faster you act on these types of viruses the less chance you have of loosing your data.

    If you backup it is important you do not back up the computer viruses also. Its easy to do, specially if your system is already compromise.

    If you need computer virus removal in Townsville, we offer a 100% free, no obligation diagnosis and quote.

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