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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Computer Virus Removal Townsville

    Virus removal for your notebook, laptop, PC or Desktop computer in Townsville.

    Computer Virus Removal Townsville and computer viruses in general can mean a wide variety of things.

    More than ever there are many different types of viruses which do all sorts of things from destroying your data, locking your computer, holding files to ransom until you pay them, spying on you to get important details, or just being a menace.

    No matter which way you slice it you need, rapid response, reasonably priced, computer virus removal Townsville.

    Townsville Nerds remove all types of viruses. Because there are so many different kids out there which do different types of activities, we offer a 100% free, no up front fees, completely free no obligation quote. Same day service!

    Computer Virus Removal Townsville

    As always, the faster you have your computer investigated for computer virus removal Townsville the better your chance of having the virus removed and your file being safe.

    Make sure you also bring your backups in as well. Many people with compromised computers will back up viruses as well not knowing and then put them back onto their computer accidentally at a later date.

    Computer virus removal Townsville and Townsville Nerds offer a 100% free diagnosis and no obligation quote.


    Computer Virus

    In it’s basic form a computer virus is software which usually attaches itself to another piece of software on your computer without your knowledge and does something you do not want it to. It usually tries to replicate itself and transfer to another computer.

    These types of viruses have been around since computes almost and at computer virus removal townsville we see these types of viruses every day.

    What to look out for: Anything out of the ordinary from your computer not starting up, shutting down without your consent or opening and closing programs you did not open.


    Trojan Horse

    A Trojan horse virus is usually delivered over the internet and is a virus which enters your computer under the guise of being another program.

    It might trick you into thinking it is a media file, video or program.

    You think you are downloading one thing but hidden within is the virus and it can do everything from deleting your data or wiping your computer entirely.

    What to look out for: If you have downloaded a file from the internet and open it up and nothing happens or it is not what you think it is, you could have a Trojan Horse Virus.



    Adware is not as damaging as most viruses but can be a huge inconvenience.

    Adware, or advertising software is a program installed on your computer or some code within your web browser which usually makes popups and annoying adds everything you try to go to a web page or open your web browser like, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

    They sometimes accompany freeware or free software. Computer virus removal Townsville sees these types of virus at least 3 or 4 times a week and it is very effective for websites to get seen.

    What to look out for: The internet if full of ads so its nothing new to see them on a website. However, when here are entirely too many on every site you go to you might have Adware on your computer.



    A worm virus is standalone software which replicates itself to do more damage.

    A perfect example is by infecting your email client or email program to send emails to people in your contact list over the internet or network and then do the same to them. Spread out over the web very quickly by fooling people to open an email in this case.

    It usually takes advantage of insecure or computers which have security flaws and have not been updated recently.

    What to look for: You might start getting phone calls or emails from people you know asking them why you are sending them random emails which don’t mean much or spam.



    Malware is a term we at computer virus removal Townsville and the industry use which means malicious software.

    This basically means any program of code on your computer which shouldn’t be there designed with an objective you did not sign up for.  Malware can do anything from gathering information on your computer to making it perform actions you did not instruct.

    What to look out for: Anything out of the ordinary – Your computer might take a long time to start u, present a black screen or shutdown without your request.



    For me personally, Spyware is the most worrying of all viruses as it does not do a lot of damage to your computer but can to other aspects of your life.

    Spyware is spying software which can gather information about you and send it something or record you key strokes to find passwords for important sites such as email, banking, Mygov or Paypal etc.

    There are many ways you can get Spyware. Computer Virus Removal Townsville believe it can come attached to another file or you can be tricked into downloading it, thinking you are getting something else.

    What to look out for: Spyware gives not indication it is on your system, that would be like shooting itself int he foot. If you do internet banking always check your statements, make your passwords complex and change them often. 



    Like the name suggests, Ransomware is software which holds your computer and files to ransom.

    It does this by encrypting your files, completely changing them so they are no longer readable and will not unlock them until you pay the ransom.

    Of course the criminals do not want to be caught so they request their money in untraceable currency like Bitcoin.

    Do not give them any money. Computer virus removal townsville have yet to see a person who pays them have their files unlocked. In fact, most times they ask for more money or simply do not reply and leave you with locked, unusable files and programs.

    What to look out for: The inability to access files, random files popping up you have never seen before or computer can not start or reboot.



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