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    Common Computer Problems We Can Help You With – Part 2

    more computer problems in townsville

    Black Screen After Update

    This is very common now in Windows 10.

    Many people are reporting there is no login screen or nothing at all on the screen after a Windows 10 major update. That is when they go to turn their computer off or during use your computer informs you it is updating or upgrading.

    Although it feels like it is happening with every update, it actually doesn’t happen that often.

    Another reason this can happen is turning your computer off too quick while it is applying the upgrade or loss of internet.

    Depending on which update this pertains too, it can sometimes be very easy to repair and other times much harder. Often it will be necessary to mount your hard drive into another computer, to recover the data, reset the computer and re-upload your data.


    Virus Removal

    Every computer problem these days gets blamed on the old computer virus.

    Computer viruses use to be little programs that run havoc on your computer. Now they are much more complex and are classed as Malware – Malicious Software.

    The average computer criminal no longer wants to hurt your computer, they would rather profit from it. So they have invented programs like Spyware, which spy on you to record precious information such as banking, Paypal or other financially profitable information.

    A lot of the time they do this by intercepting your network channel, so you might notice your internet is being silly, taking you to sites you never asked for, or just behaving abnormal.

    Computers can usually be repaired, but bank information and financial loss can be much harder. If you think you have a virus, call your bank straight away, inform them and ask them to change your password as soon as possible.


    Computer Wont Power Up

    When your computer wont power up at all and shows signs of no action, whether it be anything on the screen or any noises or sign of power, usually means there is a physical problem with the computer.

    When this happens, we can incur a component is not doing its job, whether it is faulty or loose etc.

    Hardware problems can be from power surge or faulty and old equipment and anything from a burnt out power supply unit to a failed motherboard can cause this problem.

    Note: Even when a motherboard has failed a computer might show that it has power and still make noises like it is booting up.

    If your computer is showing these symptoms and you have data on the machine which is important to you, it is imperative you disconnect oit from the power and cease trying to start it up immediately.

    Further use could seriously jeopardize the rest of the components and cause unrecoverable data loss!


    Windows Errors

    Windows Errors are quite common. This is when there is a problem with your Microsoft Windows Operating System.

    However, it is one thing to repair the errors – but they don’t just happen by themselves. Unless you repair the underlying problem which is causing the error, you are going to continue having the problem.

    The bad news is, all the problems I have previously outline and more can cause Windows errors.

    You might see these errors when the computer boots up, other times they might display when you are in the middle of using it.

    Unfortunately the error codes Windows displays when this happens are quite generic and Google searches can usually send you on a with hunt in the wrong direction.

    You computer dies keep system and application logs which might help you, if you dare look into them and try and decipher their meaning  but a lot of time it can be trial and error.


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