IFTTT stands for if this, then that. Probably doesn’t make a lot of sense on the surface, or seems quite obvious. So what is it? You have all these different applications on your phone, tablet and online all either taking up your time or helping you do something in one way or another. If this then that, is a way… Read more →
Tag: web
The New Firefox Quantum
Firefox Quantum is Mozilla’s new web browser which is said to be faster, more stable and have an overall much better user experience for users than previous versions of Firefox. But first, what is a Web Browser? A web browser is a program or application on your computers, tablet, laptop or phone which is used to access websites, such as… Read more →
Awesome Browser Extensions
What are Browser Extensions Your web browser is the program and application you use on your computer like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer to surf the internet and read websites such as this one. The programs come with heaps of functionality to do the things most developers think you want to do. Google Chrome for instance incorporates its… Read more →
Why Your Website Sucks
Whether your a business, organisation, group of hobbyist, just about everyone has or needs a website these days. Unlike a Facebook Page or Free web-hosted page, having your own website gives you an online presence which you have complete control of, what it looks like, who can see it, and the exact message you want to get out to your… Read more →
ADSL Keeps Disconnecting and Slow
What is ADSL ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and before NBN (National Broadband Network) was the standard by which internet was measured by. Up until that point, there was only the old slow dial up internet available to the public and even though the technology is old now, it is still fast enough for most people to be… Read more →
Understand Website Basics
Townsville Nerds have been building websites since the mid 90’s. While I was studying education and James Cook University, one of our subjects was computing in education. This was all during the very early stages of the internet. That class included a broad overall the computer industry and one of the new technologies everyone was talking about then was the… Read more →
Alternative Web Browsers
Computing has changed over the years. I remember when it use to take a few minutes for an image to load and there was no internet banking or social networking. Now everything is instant, or pretty close to it; we do a lot more on our computers and internet, using multiple services, multiple applications and multiple web browsers all at… Read more →
I can show you how I ranked Townsville Nerds number one. Anyone who has a website or online business will be able to tell you how they receive emails every week from companies all over the world claiming to be able to make their website number one. They use words like SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and user engagement. For a… Read more →
Free Dynamic DNS
What is a DNS server You might not know this, but every time you go onto the internet, check your email of use Facebook, you are using a DNS service. Every computer, router or network on the internet has an IP address, something that looks like 123.456.789.123. This is a unique address assigned to a host which identifies it as a… Read more →
Understanding the Internet
Speaking to a lot of people in Townsville, after all these years there still seems to be a lot of confusion about what the internet is and it not. Some people think email is the internet and others thing it is a webpage or Google. All these things are close, but probably not close enough. The internet is made up of… Read more →