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    Tag: Outlook

    Townsville email pst file help

    Common Outlook Problems

    Microsoft Outlook is without doubt the most and widely used email client application. Not only has it been around since people started using email, it also comes with most Microsoft Office Suites and it just keeps on getting better with every release. But, like all programs it still has its fair share of problems. This article will endeavour to answer… Read more →

    townsville computer repairs data recovery

    Lets Talk About PST Files

    A PST file (Personal Storage Table) is a file Microsoft Outlook eMail uses to manage and keep your file in the form of email messages, contacts, calendar etc. Depnding on how you setup and use your email, when you open up Microsoft Outlook it will reference your PST file (you can have more than one) and access your email messages… Read more →


    5 Reasons Your Email Might Not Be Working

    One of the most common problems people call us for, whether its a school, big organisation or home user is email problems. Email are one of the oldest yet still most used and trusted ways to communicate on the internet. You do need internet to send and receives emails and some people have internet problems and in turn affects their… Read more →


    Viruses in Emails

    The majority of viruses, malware, spyware and ad-ware we see on peoples computers is stuff they have accidentally installed themselves, by downloading and installing software associated with free; such as games and movies etc. But there are many other ways for your computer to get a virus, email being one of the big ones. Can I get a Virus from… Read more →

    unsolicited email townsville computer

    Transfering email between computers

    For the majority of people at home or at work their a two types of emails they will be using. The first is called webmail, where you can access you email over a Web browser like Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.  The second is a client based email program like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. The big difference between them is the… Read more →

    Microsoft Office or Windows

    Difference between Microsoft Windows and Office

    For a lot of people this would be obvious. But, I still get a few calls every week from people who tell me they have a problem with the Microsoft Office when in fact they are really talking about their operating system or desktop. So I just thought I would quickly explain the very big difference. In fact, the only similarities they actually… Read more →

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