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    Common Outlook Problems

    Microsoft Outlook email problems Townsville

    Microsoft Outlook is without doubt the most and widely used email client application. Not only has it been around since people started using email, it also comes with most Microsoft Office Suites and it just keeps on getting better with every release.

    But, like all programs it still has its fair share of problems. This article will endeavour to answer some pretty common problems with Microsoft Outlook, what to look out for and the best, easiest and quickest way to fix them.


    My Microsoft Outlook is running very slow

    This is the most common Microsoft Outlook problem. This first thing to check for is if your internet is running slow or not. You can do this by going to www.speedtest.net and running a bandwidth test.

    You can also plug your computer into another network or share your internet hotspot from your phone and see if thats makes any difference.

    If its not your internet speed and its more something like Microsoft Outlook is slow to start up or respond, it could be your PST file is bloated.

    PST Stands for Personal Storage Table and it is the life force of most Outlook files. It stores all your files such as emails, contacts and calendars etc.

    Over the time the more emails you send and receive and the more files you accumulate, that PST file balloons. The best was to remedy this problems is to cull a lot of the email you are not using, or create an achieve if you do not want to loose them so you can access the later on.

    This will reduce the load time and speed up access speed to most slow Microsoft Outlook related problems.


    Microsoft Outlook either doesn’t start up or crashes

    This problem can usually be the result of two different problems.

    The first is outlined above, it could very well be your PST file is way to big or there is an email on their driving your computer crazy.

    The second is a bad plugin. If you have added a add-ins to your Outlook on purpose or unknowingly, it could be making your Microsoft Outlook program crash randomly or during the executing start phase of the program.

    It might be impossible to open your Microsoft Outlook to remove the plugin, because your application keeps crashing.

    There is a work around for this and it is to start your Outlook with no plugins running, basically bare bone.

    To do this open your command prompt to run menu and type, “Outlook /safe:3”.

    Once in, i like to remove all add-ins and Microsoft Outlook will usually start up good.


    People say you are sending them spam

    Although it is not you personally sending people spam, it could very well be your Microsoft Outlook is doing it on your behalf.

    If this is the case I am sorry to tell you that you probably have some type of virus or work on your computer trying to spread out and access other systems, or trying to send people tho their website in the form of terrible advertising.

    Scan your computer straight away.

    Use any antivirus program you have access to and if you still do not find anything, it probably means there is something worse on your computer, consumer antivirus can not find. You might even have something on your machine like a root-kit, which stops antivirus programs finding them.

    If your still having problems Please call Townsville Nerds on 0402 807 890 for all your computer repair and Microsoft Outlook problem.



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