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    Gmail Free eMail Account

    Over the years you have probably use a lot of different ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) at home or at work to access the internet.

    Company’s such as Telstra and Optus will give you an email address when buy your Internet service through them, but the only problem is you loose your email account when you stop using their internet service.

    Then benefit of using an independent email service such as GoogleGmail is that it is not tied to any one particular internet service provider. This means it doesn’t matter how many ISP’s you use over the years (and trust me there will be a few) you will always still have your same email address, contacts and emails.



    Google Gmail

    Not only is Gmail the most widely used email platforms in the world, run by one of the biggest technology giants Google, it is also free.

    The benefit of using Google Gmail is it doesn’t matter what Internet service you use, or no matter where you are, you can always access your emails.

    Google is still one of the biggest internet company’s in the world, so there is a good chance they are not going no where, and neither will your emails.

    Whether you wan to access your gmail emails through you email clients or straight over the internet, accessing you gmail emails couldn’t be easier.


    Setting up your Google Gmail

    To setup a free gmail email account go to, www.gmail.com and click on “Create an Account” and follow the prompts.

    Once you have your free Gmail account you can either set it up to run in your exsisting email client like Microsoft Outlook or access you email directly from the site you just signed up on.


    To access Gmail emails through your existing email client you will need the following settings.


    Enable IMAP in your Gmail settings first

    1. Sign in to Gmail.
    2. Click the gear in the top right .
    3. Select Settings.
    4. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
    5. Select Enable IMAP.
    6. Click Save Changes.

    In your client (Outlook)

    • Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server – Requires SSL
      • imap.gmail.com
      • Port: 993
      • Requires SSL:Yes
    • Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server – Requires TLS
      • smtp.gmail.com
      • Port: 465 or 587
      • Requires SSL: Yes
      • Requires authentication: Yes
      • Use same settings as incoming mail server
    • Full Name or Display Name: [your name]
    • Account Name or User Name: your full Gmail address (username@gmail.com). Google Apps users, please enter username@your_domain.com
    • Email address: your full Gmail address (username@gmail.com) Google Apps users, please enter username@your_domain.com
    • Password: your Gmail password


    POP eMail

    Enable POP in your Gmail settings first

    1. Sign in to Gmail.
    2. Click the gear in the top right .
    3. Select Settings.
    4. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
    5. Select Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on.
    6. Choose what to do with your messages after your POP client or device receives them.
    7. Click Save Changes.


    In your client (Outlook)

    email pop












    Benefits of Gmail

    The great thing about Gmail is it is made and run by Google and therefore always has some new feature other email providers dont have, or chrage a premium price for.

    There are all sorts of extras you can get to add-on to you Gmail such as the ability to know when someone has read your emails or you can ever use your own domain name like yourname@whatever.com.

    I don’t think i have ever heard anyone say they cant access their gmail eMail because Google was down.

    If you would like some help setting up a gMail account or any other email needs, please call Ross on 0402 807 890.

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