If you are sick of surfing the internet and being bombarded with advertisements, slow browsing speeds and your privacy being jeopardized, the new Brave Web Browser might be for you.
The internet has changed a lot over the years. To begin with it was slow, so users weren’t really looking for a new web browser because it didn’t matter what you used, everything was at a crawling pace.
As the internet got more popular the less scrupulous wanted to profit from you. People looking to make money directly from you, or by selling your information to 3rd parties either through software or via your web browser by injecting it with spyware or computer code embedded into web sites to spy and gather information about you.
So we started seeing all these different web browsers pop up, like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari and Netscape Navigator to name a few.
Each had something different to offer whether it was security enhancements, speed or optimization. Each did something good, but none of them were perfect and we still see problems every day when surfing the internet.
Although the web browser is not the security program used on your computer to protect you, it is usually the point of entry for the good and the bad.
The New Brave Web Browser
This week we saw the introduction of a new web browser from a San Francisco startup called Brave Software. The man behind this new browser was responsible for a lot of the success of the Mozilla Web Browser so its fair to say they know their stuff.
The new Brave Web Browser doesn’t make any claims it cant backup and pretty much only has one mission. To rid the internet of ugly ads and improve web browsing.
Although there software is only in text Beta right now you can certainly download it and try it for yourself if you are unhappy with any of your other existing browsers.
Brave will run both on PC (Windows Computers) and Macs and even on Android and Iphones.
As well as making the internet a more prettier place, the Brave Web browser has been clocked as being 2 to 3 times faster than any other phone browser and 1.4 times faster than it’s PC competitors.
Brave Software founder Brendan Eich says, “We have to disconnect the bad system.” He dreams of building a better web through security and speed.
Another great thing about the Brave Web Browser is it is open source. That way millions of people if they want to can see the computer code and programming used to make the Brave browser and find security flawys in it if they have any. They can also easily make, add and contribute to its success.
The Brave Web Browser can be download here.