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    Tag: Mac

    computer repairs townsville

    Lets Talk About Virtualization

    Talking about virtualization, you could virtually be talking about anything. But in the case I will be talking about running a computer, within a computer. That is two operating systems, running on the same hardware, at the same time. Most computers now, have so much CPU power and memory, the operating systems using them are barely taking advantage of the… Read more →

    photo library townsville mac apple

    Extracting Photos from Iphoto and Photos on Mac

    There has always been fierce debate between Windows and Mac users as to which is the better operating system and which is the easiest to use. I have always used both, so I try and look at it objectively. However, no matter who you talk to someone will always be on one side of the fence. I personally think once… Read more →

    Understanding Factory Reset and Refresh

    When you first get your computer it is at its factory default settings – the way it was manufactured at the time, with no personification at all. When you get your computer you do a whole lot of different things on it such as installing software, connecting to the internet and printers and adding personal folders, files, pictures and movies… Read more →

    townsville deleted computer files

    How to Securely Delete Your Data

    WARNING: By doing the following you will permanently delete your data and it will not be recoverable!   Why Do You Want to Securely Delete Computers are now part of every day life. We use them for work, school, entertainment and for personal reasons. The data on your hard drive is information and depending on who has access to it,… Read more →


    Getting Your Computer to Run Like New

    Only Open the Apps You Are Using I know it sounds simplistic and obvious, but your operating system and other programs on your computer are using so many recourses these days, more and more with every update, more and more people are complaining of slow computers. There are a few things you can do about this like closing programs down… Read more →

    Different Types Of Hard Drive Formats

    Formats can mean a lot of different things, in a lot of different industries. Even within the realms of computers, it can have a whole bunch of different meanings depending on what its pertaining to. So before we get into it, I want to address this post is about hard drive formats, including USB, external, Sold State Drives and thumb… Read more →


    High Sierra Secrets Part 1

    High Sierra is he latest Apple Mac Operating system from Apple. OSX can be downloaded free from the Apple Appstore for all eligible Mac computers such as Imac, Macbook, Macbook Pro and Macbook Airs. Apple are very proactive in their operating system releases and seem to come out with them frequently. Most of the time these releases work very well.… Read more →

    mac computer repairs in townsville nerds

    Best Apple Mac Tools – Part 1

    You have just bought you new Apple Mac computer and the first thing we get asked is, what should I put on it. My answer either makes people very happy, or quite sad. The answer is, “probably the exact same stuff as you would put on a Windows or Linux computer”. The fact of the matter is, most of the… Read more →

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