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    Understanding Factory Reset and Refresh

    When you first get your computer it is at its factory default settings – the way it was manufactured at the time, with no personification at all.

    When you get your computer you do a whole lot of different things on it such as installing software, connecting to the internet and printers and adding personal folders, files, pictures and movies etc.

    The computer has become personalised to you and will behave differently depending on what your have installed, what updates it receives and problems arising from system conflicts, program errors and outside forces such as viruses and malware.

    If and when your computer starts to get problems such as your machine doing weird things, freezing, taking you to websites you didn’t ask to, or suffering from virus infections, it might not always be able to repair.

    If that is the case we might have to revert the computer back to like the day you got it, in it’s factory default state.

    townsville computer man


    Why Revert Back to Factory State Conditions?

    Many things can happen to your computer. Sometimes there are just too many software problems that it would be impossible to repair on by one. In a sense it would be much more efficient to nuke at the software level and start again.

    A lot of the time this has been caused by viruses and it can infiltrate every aspect of your software levels on your computer.


    Factory Reset

    This is completely wiping your whole computer, including personal files, operating system and programs.

    Doing a factory reset is a sure way to remove any software problems but it will also remove all the programs you have installed since getting your computer, settings and personal files and applications.

    If you computer blue screens or simply becomes to unusable, a complete factory reset will probably be the only solution.

    You  must backup before doing a reset otherwise you will loose all your personal files. You can always install programs again but you might not be able to get your personal files.



    Doing a refresh is similar to a factory reset but the idea behind it is to retain all your files.

    You will still be able to keep all your personal files, as the refresh will work around them, but all your software will be removed so you will need to install them again after the refresh.

    I always backup my personal files too when doing a refresh. The idea is you are no sup[pose to loose them but strange things sometimes happens so its better to be safe than sorry.


    Can’t Do a Reset or Refresh

    The instructions and process for doing a reset or refresh on your computer or laptop are stored on a hidden partition on your hard drive.

    When the damage is so severe to your system, it can also damage or mess with your recovery partition as well, making it impossible to do a reset or refresh this way.

    This is quite common resulting in having to make an external boot disk to perform the process.

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