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    Tag: backup

    windows update computer wont start

    Windows wont load after an update

    There are many different updates your computer can do. From antivirus updates, software updates, driver updates and operating system updates, its hard to know which things to update, if its important and what are the reputations from doing the update. There is also the age old question, if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. People always ask me should I… Read more →

    Are Hard Drives Unreliable

    There is nothing worse than loosing all your data files, programs, photos, movies and documents. Loosing valuable data can be irreplaceable for people and organisations who do not back. For some it can means years of tax records and customer details, and others it could mean a life time of memories, weddings and baby photos. If its important to you,… Read more →

    computers townsville repairs

    Computer Wont Boot Townsville

    There can be many reasons your computer wont boot Townsville. Call Townsville computer repairs on 0402 807 890 for a free diagnosis and quote. One of the most annoying things which can happen with your computer is the inability to boot up, start up, or not turn on. We use our computer for every aspect of life, such as social,… Read more →

    Dropbox computer problems townsville

    Syncing Between Mobile Device and Computer

    Syncing is such a generic term. Syncing can mean all sorts of different things. For most of us we think syncing to be the same as matching. Everything on my mobile device to match my computer. But the computer is significantly different than a mobile phone. It will have different applications and operating systems. Which means different ways of doing… Read more →

    data recovery townsville

    What is Computer Data

    Throughout your life you have sure to have heard the term data. Whether it was going to school and reading data in a report, the data for your mobile phone usage or data on your computer, although they are all related, they are not the same. When we refer to data on your computer, we are talking about the programs,… Read more →

    HDD Solid State Drive data townsville

    How to Image Your Hard Drive

    A hard drive image is like taking a photo of the state of your drive at a particular time. Your hard drive can consist of thousands of files, data, applications and an operating system. These files change as they are edited, deleted or accessed and the state of your hard drive changes every time you turn it on. When you… Read more →

    black screen after updating townsville computer man

    Black Screen after a Major Windows Upgrade

    Upgrades are a necessary evil for both personal and professional computers, servers and laptops. The reason I say evil, is because for most of us they come at the wrong time, right when we want to restart our computer and do something. There is nothing worse than wanting to start your computer, specially when you are in a hurry and… Read more →

    virus on external hard drive

    Can I Accidentally Backup a Virus

    The short answer to this questions is, yes. However, it is a lot more complicated than that. When we are talking about files on our computer we are mostly talking about two different types. The first is system and program files which are the ones which make our computer operate, boot up and programs run. The second file type is… Read more →

    computer repairs in townville

    System Restore Your Computer

    What is System Restore If you are having problems with your computer causing instability, the ability to start or use your computer properly or your computers just running generally slow; System Restore might be a good option for you to use. System Restore is a feature built in to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems which basically takes a snapshot of the… Read more →

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