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    Computer Wont Boot Townsville

    There can be many reasons your computer wont boot Townsville.

    Call Townsville computer repairs on 0402 807 890 for a free diagnosis and quote.

    One of the most annoying things which can happen with your computer is the inability to boot up, start up, or not turn on.

    We use our computer for every aspect of life, such as social, business, personal, educational, entertainment and for paying bills. We also store a lot of information on our computers such as photos and media, documents, work files and personal information.

    So, it can come as quite a shock when we get up one day, press the on button and the computer wont boot Townsville.

    Although this might set off all alarms, specially if you do not back up all your data on a regular basis, there is however still a good chance all your data, files and information are still on the computer.

    Below are some common problems which can result in your computer not booting up in Townsville.

    computer wont boot townsville


    Hard Drive Failure

    Hard drive failure is not the most common problem but it usually one of the worse.

    Your hard drive is the brain of your computer, it is the physical component which stores all the information, files, programs and operating system. You can not use your personal computer without a functioning hard drive.

    If your computer boots up, but does not get to the Windows or login Screen, you could have a hard drive problem.

    Recovering the data from a hard drive which has physical failed can be very difficult and time consuming.

    Sometimes the data can be recovered, depending on the severity of the failure and if it is a physical or logical.


    Operating System Failure

    If your computer wont boot Townsville it could be because there a an operating system problem.

    Your operating system is usually refereed to as Windows, Linux or OSX.

    Fortunately if it is only the operating system which has failed, it usually isn’t very hard to recover the data from the drive, save it somewhere, reinstalled the operating system and programs and then reload the data back into the computer.

    If this happens the only thing you really loose is some customisation and settings.

    Also, depending how long ago your computer was made and used, you might have to download some updates for the operating system and programs you use and have reloaded.


    Other Computer Component Failure

    Your computer is made up of many different physical components such as, memory, motherboard, graphics card and hard drive.

    Although your operating system and files are stored on your hard drive, if another component is not working properly, your computer wont boot Townsville either.

    Your motherboard is the backbone of your computer. It connects all the devices together like the spine in the human body. If you are using your computer and the motherboard fails, the operating system on your hard drive wont be able to talk to the other components such as the graphics and video card and you will not see anything on the screen.


    Something is Loose

    If you have just moved house, or you have moved your computer around (specially if its a desktop) it is possible it could have been pumped, dropped or something has just come loose.

    This can sometimes happens with the SATA and power cables which connect the hard drive to the motherboard.

    It doesn’t take a lot for this to fall off and one symptom might be your computer starts up, but doesn’t boot into Windows,

    Instead, you will get an error like, “Unable to find boot media”, or “No Boot Device Available”.


    Computer Virus

    Computer viruses do get blamed for everything, and a lot of the time they are the reason a computer does not work properly.

    Indeed if your computer wont boot Townsville it could be because you have a computer virus. Computer viruses are programs designed to disrupt and damage computers, software and components.

    If you files and operating system is infected with a computer virus it will not only run very poorly, but also maybe not boot up at all.

    If your operating system is infected, it may need to be cleaned or reset, depending on how bad it is infected and what type of virus it is.

    If you do regular backups you should also check you didn’t back up the viruses to your back up media also.

    You can pick up a computer virus many different ways, usually over the internet as everyone is connected these days and share files.

    Many less then savory websites contain viruses, specially the ones who offer files, media and video for free will ask you to download a file or plugin first which will give you a virus.

    Antivirus programs are good but not perfect. They do not protect you from every sort of virus out there, but it is always good to have one on your computer and make sure it is always up to date.

    Spyware – Spyware is a type of virus which spies on you and tries to record important information like banking passwords and login information to import sites.

    Adware – Is a type of virus which throws lots of advertisements at you and popups so you will buy something,

    Ransomware – is a virus which holds your system to ransom until you pay the criminals, who never release your files. Just disappear with your money and credit card payment details.

    Most virus can be cleaned out of your computer one way or another. But Ransomware usually destroys your files r lock them up, shred or encrypt so you can never use again.


    Backing Up

    Your data is always recoverable if you backup. Programs are a little different as they usually need to be installed again – it’s a process.

    However, data like files, photos, documents and some settings can easily be backed up into the cloud or to a backup device.

    Backing up does not have to be difficult. There are lots of back up programs available, but when in doubt, just plug in an external hard drive to your computer, copy the files you really care about on your computer, and paste them onto the drive.

    You can create new folders on your external easily enough with the date you are backup as the name to keep it better organised,

    That what, not matter what happens to your computer, you can always plug your external drive into a new computer or another one and access all your files without any complicated backup and data recovery software.

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