Upgrades are a necessary evil for both personal and professional computers, servers and laptops.
The reason I say evil, is because for most of us they come at the wrong time, right when we want to restart our computer and do something.
There is nothing worse than wanting to start your computer, specially when you are in a hurry and be told you have to wait. Sometimes the wait can be for a few minutes, other times a few hours.
But at the end of the day, its for our own good.
Most major Windows Upgrades help fortify our computer, increase stability and improve functionality.
Why do I Get a Black Screen After Upgrading/Updating Windows
There are more questions than answers, when it comes to why we sometimes get the black screen after updating Microsoft Windows.
The main reasons are you have incompatible software on your computer, you might have a virus, bad device driver or even a virus.
The fact of the matter is there are many reasons why we get black screens on our computer after a major operating system update. For the most time though, there is usually a pre-existing condition within the computer, be it hardware or software, which brings this problem to the forefront.
What Can I do About It
When you preform any major updates to your computer, it is very important to make a backup.
Some of the things I outline below to try and fix the black screen can further harm your computer and compromise your data if you have not backed up, so please be careful and try at your own risk.
System Restore Point
Unlike a factory reset, a system restore can bring you back to a state your computer was in the past – a restore point.
If your computer has been making restore points, you might be able to get into the recovery console and restore to an earlier, working point in time.
Offline Antivirus Scan
Making a USB antivirus disk and booting from the USB rather than your internal hard drive and running a remote scan might fix your problem if your computer is infected.
Starting in Safe Mode
Starting in Safe Mode and analysis/diagnosing your computer might be a way back in to starting your computer properly again.
If you then have access to your even viewer and system logs you might be able to diagnose and remedy this problem.
Resetting Your Computer – If all else fails you might need to reset your computer. If you choose the option without data you risk loosing all your files so be very careful choosing this option if you have not already backed up!