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    Windows wont load after an update

    There are many different updates your computer can do.

    From antivirus updates, software updates, driver updates and operating system updates, its hard to know which things to update, if its important and what are the reputations from doing the update.

    There is also the age old question, if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.

    People always ask me should I update my computer, and for the most part I say yes. But you mist no what you are updating and why.


    townsville computer repairs


    The most important thing before any upgrade or update is you must backup

    If you have your data and files backed up it doesn’t matter what happens you can always get it all back.

    Backing up can be made to complicated, for the most part a lot of files can be copied and pasted onto an external hard drive or cloud storage account.

    There are also plenty of backup programs available out there or ones which come with your external hard drive or cloud syncing option.

    Backup, always!


    Antivirus Updates

    Antivirus updates are also a must.

    There are plenty of virus and spyware programs all over the internet and anytime you accept a file from someone, including emails there is a chance of infection.

    There are new viruses’s being detected every day and a lot of the antivirus programs release updates to fight these new viruses.

    You must always keep your antivirus program up to date.

    Its best if it is done automatically so you don’t have to think of it yourself.

    None of the antiviruses are 100% effective, but an updated antivirus program is a lot better than nothing.


    Program and Applications Updates

    This one is a little more tricky.

    A lot of this will depend on the program and what you do with it. Most of these applications have an import/export function, so its a good idea to export the files from it and settings and save them to an external device in case something happens.

    If you have a paid software you can always read or call the vendour and find out what will happen if you make an update, how it will effect your current configuration and if there are any costs involved.

    There are many different developers out there from all over the world. Not all of them are good.

    Even the biggest names you have heard of also accidentally release updates which can be problematic to your computer.


    Operating System Updates and Upgrades

    Do you have to make these updates and upgrades? Not really, although they make it hard for you not to. Should you? Probably, yes.

    Operating systems are the environment you work within on your computer.

    It basically helps you and your programs talk to the physical components and hardware to make everything work.

    A stable operating system will mean a better and more efficient computer and the updates and upgrades for your operating system usually work very well and keep your computer less vulnerable to attacks and more stable.

    However, if there is something running wrong in the background of your computer, an update or upgrade might not work correctly or even render your computer unable to start properly.

    Again this is a neither good reason to always backup your files before doing any sort of update.

    Most of the times we are able to recover yotr files after a bad update.


    Black Screen After Update

    If your computer wont start or has a black screen after an update there can be a number of things which went wrong.

    There might be a problem with one of the drivers and need to be rolled back, or there could have already been a  problem on the computer and the connection might have dropped out.

    There can be many reasons your computer doesn’t restart after an update but Townsville computer repair Nerds can usually resolve them quickly with little to no data loss.


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