Water is probably one of the worst enemies of computers, right up there with heat and electricity. The biggest problem with water damage to your computer is its ability to affect multiple components in your computer, specially in laptops and notebooks where they are all crammed into close together.
Some components are replaceable, like in desktop where its feasible to take out a motherboard and replace it with another. But in laptops, if you spill water onto the keyboard, its quite likely it will seep through an destroy your mother board, CPU (Central Processing Unit) and even hard drive as well. With all those components being damaged, you might be better of replacing the whole laptop.
The two main components which usually get damaged from water in a laptop are the motherboard and hard drive.
What can you do if your laptop gets wet
The first mistake people make is they try and turn their computer on too soon. Even though it may appear dry there can still be water under the parts, and moisture inside the computer which can damage it.
Turning your computer on too early can send a surge throughout the whole computer and damage other components which aren’t even wet like your central processing unit and hard drive.
Bring it in. If you have spilled water on your laptop, desktop, Macbook book or Imac, bring it in to Townsville computer repairs Nerds and we can take a look at it completely free and see if there is any damage, what can be saved and see if you can resume using it.
Power Surging into the Hard Drive
If you turn your computer on while it is wet, or water gets spilt on it while it is running, it can certainly send a power surge into the hard drive and damage that component also.
Hard drives are easily replaceable, but that is not your biggest concern. The hard drive is where you also save all your important documents, movies, videos and photos.
As well as hosting all your operating system and Windows files, it can be a very hard and rigorous effort to recover your data if it is damaged; sometimes it can be like trying to draw blood out of a stone.
Other remedies to try at your own risk
Time – How long is a piece of string? Waiting for a period of time to see if your computer has dried out might work.
It’s impossible to determine how long to wait before turning your computer back on. If i had to guess i would say weeks?
Rice – I think this one is more ferry tail than anything else. I have read that the amount of water dried rice actually sucks in is so minute, its almost non record-able. Either way I have never found this to work, but worth a try, rice is cheap.
Paper Towel – Paper towels are good for soaking up, not drying or moving over your sensitive components. Be very careful though, it is easy to damage, move and dislodge parts.