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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Category: Network

    computer repairs townsville

    What are Network Shares

    With every new Operating System becoming easier and easier to do things, network sharing is becoming increasingly more popular. You may have heard the term before and not really understood what it is, and if you have and media devices around your house, you might already be using it and not know it. In its essence network shares are files… Read more →

    Townsville laptop computer man

    What is Social Media

    Everyone has heard of, most of us use it, but what exactly is the buss with all this social media going around? Although Social Media is not specific to computers or laptops, and can be accessed by pretty much any internet connected device like mobile phone, tablet and smart watch, it still gets bought up a lot and a lot… Read more →

    Townsville computer repairs wireless

    Wireless Security Townsville

    When we are talking about wireless security, the subject can get very deep and dependent on the type of networks we are talking about, what the network does and the amount of money you invested into the infrastructure. For this purpose I am going to be talking about the wireless security for the every day person and how the security… Read more →

    Rank higher in Google yourself


    I can show you how I ranked Townsville Nerds number one. Anyone who has a website or online business will be able to tell you how they receive emails every week from companies all over the world claiming to be able to make their website number one. They use words like SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and user engagement. For a… Read more →

    Modem Wireless Router Townsville

    Different Kinds of Wireless Internet

    There are many different ways you can receive your internet and there are many different types of wireless (wifi) communications available. But for the purpose of this post I am going to try and explain the difference between the couple of options we have in Australia depending on where you live and what type of hardware you have in place. Interesting Fact:… Read more →

    Remote Desktop TeamViewer

    Remote Access Your Computer with Teamviewer

    Being able to access your home or work computer from another location, including your phone can be a very valuable recourse. Whether its because you constantly need to check something on your computer like downloads or messages, or its a one off where you have forgot something for work or study and don’t want to travel all the way back and… Read more →

    Google Chrome Protection

    The Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs

    A lot of people use Google Chrome now as their main Web Browser. A web browser is the program on your computer or mobile device like phone or tablet you use to access web sites, such as Google, Facebook, banking etc. There are many different web browsers available. To begin with Netscape was the main one. Internet Explorer as always… Read more →

    Townsville computer repairs wireless

    How to Improve Your Wi-Fi

    Not to be confused with your 3G or 4G phone wireless carrier, Wi-Fi for your computer and home network is a technology you use at home with a computer or wireless device to talk to your network. At home this is usually to your wireless router which is connected to the internet, and the device you connect to is referred to as… Read more →

    internet townsville help emails

    Understanding the Internet

    Speaking to a lot of people in Townsville, after all these years there still seems to be a lot of confusion about what the internet is and it not. Some people think email is the internet and others thing it is a webpage or Google. All these things are close, but probably not close enough. The internet is made up of… Read more →

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