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    Tag: movies

    youtube tips townsville

    5 Tips for Maximizing Your YouTube Videos

    Although Townsville Nerds primarily work on repairing computer and making websites, we do a lot of Youtube marketing to build brand awareness for our online customers all over the world. A big part of driving traffic to certain types of websites, specially those trying to sell products (not so much servers like Townsville Nerds) is Youtube. Youtube is now the… Read more →

    Townsville computer repairs

    Understanding Internet Streaming

    Streaming is one of those IT buzz words we are seeing a lot, like “the cloud” or “VPN”. Lots of companies are of offering you different streaming services and its pretty hard to understand what each one is and what they do. Although streaming can be applied to a lot of different internet activities, for the most part it is… Read more →

    Townsville Torrent Virus

    How torrents work

    BittorrentsĀ are among the most popular ways to transfer files peer-to-peer (p2p) over the internet. Torrents have got a bad reputation over the years for people sharing and transferring files such as music and movies illegally. And although illegal sharing always gets the headlines, torrent sharing is used by more people legitimately than illegally. If you want to be able to… Read more →

    plex server

    Plex Media Server

    Plex media server is a software package you can download from the internet and setup on one of your computers to host, save and stream your media files, music, video and pictures to other devices on your network or over the internet. Download Plex Plex can be run from a Windows, Mac or lInux computer and NAS devices and can… Read more →

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