When we are talking about computers and phones and refer to storage we are basically talking about the hard drive on our device in which we store our photos, media and applications.
On these hard drives there are other files as well, like programs which make our computer run, or the operating system itself like Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX or Linux distributions.
If just about all non business related storage talk, we are talking a bout storing our personal photos.
For the most time, our files were either stored on our computers or some sort of back up device like tape drive, external hard drive you plug into your computer through USB, or optical backup like Blu-ray, CD or DVD disks.
The last through years because of the speed in of accessible internet becoming much faster in a lot of countries we have seen the rise of a lot of online storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive.
These services provide away to store your files in the cloud (online) rather tan on your computer. Both have good and bad points when deciding to choose, or use both.
Pros for Online Storage
Convenience – Most online storage applications provide seamless integration into existing systems and backup periodically and automatically. Meaning if you loose all your data there is a good chance you will have a stored online.
Latest Data – Because anytime you are connected to the interent, you are basically always connected to your backup device. If you are constantly backing up, in the even of loss of data, you will have a relevant recent copy of your data stored online.
Cost – Online storage is significantly lower in price to backup compared to a physical device.
Offsite Backup – Unlike backing up to external media, backing up online gives that extra level of protection in that it is stored in a seperate location. This works because, just say there is a fire in your home or business and you computers gets damaged, your external hard drive could be at the same location and get damaged as well. You could loose both and all data included.
Cons for Online Storage
Slower – Backing up online is significantly slower than backing up to a physically connected device like USB or optical media. Your data not only has to travel over the internet, across the ocean to a far location. But, also has to contend with other factors such as network congestions, down times etc.
Company Failure – By storing your data online you are entrusting it to foreign company and relying on them to do their job properly. The company could go out of business (not likely with he big ones like Google and Microsoft) or might change policies which influence the integrity of your data and information.
Privacy – Im sure most online storage companies are very good and reliable. It would probably spread like wild fire if they were doing something risk the privacy of your data, but who knows. You simply do not know who can and cant see your files at the company hosting.
Use of Internet – The more files you have on your computer or are backing up, the more internet you will use. For a lot of us now that really doesn’t matter, but for people on 4G or mobile internet connections, you could quite easily use all your internet for the month up in a matter of hours.