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    Has Your Internet Banking Been Compromised

    Internet banking is easy and convenient. As long as you have an internet connection and a web browser or App, you can pretty much access your banking anytime, form anywhere in the world.

    The actual technology for internet banking is very secure also. Not only do banks use tightly guarded secretive algorithms to help protect you, they also utilise widely accepted transmission protection such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to create a virtual tunnel between you and your bank.

    But, with all this technology and security, why and how, do people still gave hacked, cracked and compromised bank accounts?

    internet hacked banking townsville virus


    You are Vulnerable

    If your bank account is compromised and someone else has used your account to transfer money, there is a very good chance it is not the banks technology which has let you down.

    Most peoples bank accounts are compromised because they have been tricked somewhere along the line into entering their information, somewhere either by accident or by being tricked, and now the bad guys have your password.


    Your Password is Vulnerable

    Weak passwords are a good example of how people get caught also.

    This happens in two ways. The first way is your password lacks complexity, length and is something easy to guess that someone might know about you, like your dogs names and date of birth.

    I know it s a big pain to remember complex passwords, but it is even a bigger pain to loose all your money and have to go through the process of recovering it all with your bank.

    The second is if you have used the same password on multiple sites.

    If one of those sites get hacked and all the passwords are released online which happens also, your password for your banking could be out there for the public to see, if you use the same password for that site.


    Your Computer is Compromised

    This is the one which gets most people.

    The technology can be great, the security is correct and you have a complex password no one else knows or could guess, but if your computer is compromised, it is the equivalent of someone looking over your shoulder, watching and recording everything you do and every key you press.

    Spyware is my number one concern on compromised computers.

    It’s one thing to get a regular virus which destroys your computer, but its a totally different thing to get a Spyware, which sites on your machine, watches everything you do and reports it back to a criminal who then attempts to login to your internet banking and take your money.

    Computers are compromised all sorts of way. But the main way is you download software for free of the internet, or games and movies which are imbedded with Spyware. Once it’s on your system, most people dont even know it’s there until money goes missing from their bank accounts.


    What to do if your Bank Account has been Compromised

    The first thing you need to do is call your bank and let them know money is missing or something is not right so they can launch their own investigation.

    If you can not call your bank you really need to change your password as soon as possible.

    There is no point using the same computer which you think might be infected with viruses and Spyware, because if it is, all you are doing is given the criminals your new password also.

    So use another computer or device you thin k is clean to change your password. Or better again, try calling your bank.

    Other things could be compromised also. 

    If you have Spyware on your system the mechanics are definitely in place to steal more than just your bank account.

    Have a good think what else you use your computer for which requires a password and try and change that also. Anything like email, personal accounts, Paypal, etc can all be targeted to try and get your personal information.

    Get your computer looked at ASAP

    Townsville Nerds offer a 100%, No obligation FREE quote.

    We can scan your computer completely free and let you know if you are infected or not. If you are we can give you a quote, which you are under no obligation to accept.

    If you do not accept the quote, the scan and diagnosis was still free.

    Please call or message Ross at Townsville Nerds today on 0402 807 890.





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