Do I need to use Microsoft Office?
No, you do not need to use Microsoft Office exclusively. For a long time if you wanted to type up a document or make a graph there were few options besides word and excel.
After a while other Office type applications starting popping up but the problem was, if you made a document in the new word editor, people who were running Microsoft Office could not open, read or edit them.
Developers soon got ahead of this and come up with free applications like Open Office and Libre Office, which you can open, and create documents and save them in a format Microsoft Office users can open as well.
My Computer is Running Slow, do you think I Have a Virus?
Its easy to blame everything that goes wrong with your computer on the old virus, they do have a pretty bad reputation.
But the truth of the matter is there are so many more things which can make your computer run slow or disrupt it, than the computer virus.
It’s hard to imagine the computer itself is the problem, when you consider how popular they are, the price and how smart some of the people who make them are.
Computer viruses can make your computer run slow, but the actual operating systems like Windows and OSX (for Mac) are not perfect, they have vulnerabilities and mistakes in them as well.
Also, the applications and programs you download, install or even the ones which come with your computer can misbehave and make your computer or laptop run slow.
My Computer is Running slow, is it because I have too many photos on it?
Probably not.
Unless your computer is 99% full, having lots of files on your computer is what it is designed for.
You computer can run slow when you have too many photos or applications running all at once at the same time, or something more malicious.
But from a storage point of view, having slots of photos or files simply stored on your computer will not make it slow.
Can I play computer games without a high end graphics card?
Yes you can, but only certain games.
A lot of the high intensive computer games these days require a dedicated graphics card to handle the game. The less intense games will run, but only to an extent and as the game intensifies, you will start seeing performance issues.
If you have a game in mind, a lot of the time it will tell; you what system requirements you need to play it on the box or on the games website.
I highly recommend you research the game requirements before buying or it will be useless installing it on your system.