We also work on Apple Mac computers, Imacs, Macbooks, old or new. We understand Apple computers can be expensive and we try to keep our costs as low as possible, right from the start with a free quote, to purchasing parts and service. Read more →

We also work on Apple Mac computers, Imacs, Macbooks, old or new. We understand Apple computers can be expensive and we try to keep our costs as low as possible, right from the start with a free quote, to purchasing parts and service. Read more →
Did you know you do . not have to use your Apple Mac specific keyboard on your Imac or Macbook Computer. Keyboards die for all sorts of reasons. For the most part USB keyboards are not very expensive. You can get decent USB keyboards with no brand name from Kmart for under $10. All the Apple computer equipment has a… Read more →
High Sierra is he latest Apple Mac Operating system from Apple. OSX can be downloaded free from the Apple Appstore for all eligible Mac computers such as Imac, Macbook, Macbook Pro and Macbook Airs. Apple are very proactive in their operating system releases and seem to come out with them frequently. Most of the time these releases work very well.… Read more →
Computer operating systems are very complicated and technical pieces of software. Unlike most computer software and apps which sit on top and get installed within your operating like Windows, OSX and Linux; Operating systems are responsible for being part of the computer which allows you talk to the physical hardware and components of your computer. I like to think of… Read more →
Apple Computers Do Get Viruses The common belief is Apple Mac computer do not get viruses. Yes, Apple Macs are built on top of a foundation which viruses find it hard to infect, but the truth is Apple computers desktops and Macbook’s do in fact get viruses as well. There is a much smaller market share for Apple computers so… Read more →
Fluid Fluid is one of the best Mac only apps I have come across. If you can image away to put multiple websites into a single browser you can see all at the same time, it would be fluid. Fluid is completely free and perfect for someone who wants to create their own app made completely from web apps, but… Read more →
You have just bought you new Apple Mac computer and the first thing we get asked is, what should I put on it. My answer either makes people very happy, or quite sad. The answer is, “probably the exact same stuff as you would put on a Windows or Linux computer”. The fact of the matter is, most of the… Read more →
Apple has always lead the ways in technology and computing. Although Apple didn’t event the computer, you can thank them for bringing them into your home, small business and pocket (iPhone). As awesome as the Apple technology is (Im a big fan), Apple do try and lock a lot of us out on what hardware can be sourced, and what… Read more →
Apple Mac computers and laptops are more expressive compared to a lot of other computers. A lot of people argue you are just paying for the name, but you are getting a very good computer. Not only do Apple computer use their own custom Operating Systems and drivers specifically made for their computers, they also develop a lot of their… Read more →
A lot of Apple Mac users will tell you they don’t need Antivirus programs on their computers and laptops because Mac computers don’t get viruses. This simply isn’t true and even Apple denied Macs get viruses until recently. Apple operating systems are designed on a very old stable system called Unix. Unix is incredibly versatile and secure, but not impenetrable.… Read more →