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    Is Any Computer Really Secure?

    I often get asked, “How can i completely secure my computer?” Or “What Antivirus is guaranteed to protect me for sure?”

    It is a very reasonable questions, but a lot of people do not like my answer. And that is, none!

    I am not confident the slightest, any antivirus program, any firewall or any computer is secure, specially when it is connected to the internet.

    I’m guessing i have probably seen close to 10, 000 computers which are either infected or compromised and all have been so via the internet.

    computer hacked townsville help


    Antivirus Programs

    When talking about any good computer protection strategy we must talk about antivirus programs first

    First off, I want to state, Antivirus programs are very good. I am sure they catch more computer viruses than they miss. However, they do miss some.

    No antivirus programs, stops all viruses, all the time.

    One antivirus program will protect you from a particular virus which another will miss. And further more, one antivirus program might work great for a while, and then be superseded by another. It’s like they take it in turn.

    When customers ask me what program they use to be fully protected I cant give them an answer they want. None of them fully protect you.

    I must have seen over 10,000 infected computers over the years and they all have some kind of antivirus program, most of which you have heard of.

    I’m sure there would have been a lot more computers infected if there was no such thing as antiviruses programs, but they are not bullet proof!


    Operating Systems

    Your operating system is the environment in which you operate within your computer.

    The most popular operating system in Microsoft Windows. However, if you have a Apple Mac it will be OSX and if you are really adventurous there is an open-source operating system called Linux which is very good.

    Your operating system is what helps you and your programs talk to the physical components of your computer.

    If your operating system has holes and vulnerabilities in it, it makes it much easier to be compromised and taken advantage of.

    Operating systems are not perfect. When they are released they are not always complete and in fact they are never complete. That’s why they are continually updated.

    Every time someone finds a vulnerability in an operating system the manufacturer will release an update to plug up the whole and increase stability and security.

    The updates are very regular – which goes to show, your computer is never completely secure.


    Criminal Cyber Hackers

    Hackers or Crackers are basically people on the other side of your internet connection somewhere in the world connecting to, controlling and using your computer.

    It used to be part real, part science fiction. But with the popularity of the internet, the speed of the internet and easy access to remote control computer programs, it can sometimes only take a couple of clicks for your computer to be controlled or accessed, specially if it is infected or vulnerable.

    Hackers can’t just simply access your computer – at least for the most part. Your machine must be vulnerable or infected, or pre-loaded with software which makes that happens.

    But how does this software get in to your computer in the first place? This brings me to my next point.


    You Can Be Your Worst Enemy

    Cyber criminals rely on your ignorance and mistakes.

    Most of the time cyber criminals access your computer is because you have a remote access program for them to connect to.

    Obviously, you do not knowingly install these types of programs on your computer on purpose.

    Remote access programs a not viruses, so antivirus programs do not pick them up. In fact, remote access software is very legitimate and used by millions of computers and servers all over the world to control their computers without having to be directly behind them.

    It’s when they are used maliciously there is a program, and we see it every day!

    There are 2 ways these applications usually install on someones computers:


    Someone has tricked you into installing it on your computer or laptop.

    They do this by calling you on the phone and telling you they are from one of your providers like a telecommunication company, software company or even your bank.

    With a little bit of social engineering, and some called sales talk convince you to install some remote control software on your computer under the guise of something else and they have you right where they want.


    You have downloaded the software needed to control your computer unknowingly.

    Lets face it, everyone likes something for nothing. And the internet is full of free stuff people are offering to download such as media, movies, applications and images.

    But, like in real life there are always ulterior motives.

    Nothing is really free and sometimes people are giving you these services so you will download and install their programs unknowingly and they can connect, control and steal the information from your computer.

    Sometimes they just want the data, information is power. Other times they want to lock you out and ask for a ransom. But most times it is to further infect your computer with spyware, so they can spy on you to get sensitive information such as password for banking, Paypal etc, stuff for financial gain.



    I would not guarantee any computer or service is safe, specially on the internet. As fast as the good guys are coming up with ways to protect your computer, the bad guys are coming up with ways to compromise it.

    Antivirus programs are very good. They definitely help, but are not 100% effective.

    The only way you can be sure your computer is protected it to keep it off the internet. Like your car on the road it can always get scratched, your computer is far more vulnerable when connected to the other billions of computer via the world wide web.

    The most you can do is, always make sure your operating system and antivirus software is up to date.

    Never accept things from people you do not know.

    Verify people calling you on the phone. If your not sure, hang up and find the number of the service who are calling you and call them back directly.

    Be very careful of the the websites you go to. Ask yourself, is there a risk I can be compromised by being here.

    The internet is no different from the real world. There are people who are your friends and people who want to hurt you. Treat it like the real world and you will be a lot safer.











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