Because your web browser is usually your first point of entry for computer viruses, and because web browsers are the most widely used application on the internet, fortifying and protecting your browser and its traffic is one of the most online security conscious steps you can make to protect your information, data and personal privacy including banking and other important information.
What is a Web Browser
Your web browner is a the program you use to surf the net online to view web sites like the one you are on now, and others like Google, Facebook and internet banking etc.
There are many different web browsers out there, but the most popular are Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox.
How To Secure Your Web Browser
Disclaimer: I don’t know if you can ever truly 100% secure your computer, web browser and internet traffic. It really feels like every day there is a new type of virus and malicious application being developed to either spy, infect and hurt your computer.
So all we can do are the right things to promote security as high as we can and hopefully that will be enough.
Updates: I personally don’t keep all my application updated all the time. Except, when it comes to security and the internet applications I use. It is very important to keep your web browser up to date so you always have the latest security updates, included patched vulnerabilities developers have implemented between your last update.
Antivirus Plugins: Just about everyone who uses the internet should have an antivirus program.
A lot of these antivirus suites come with plugin to integrate into your web browser. These are little ad dons when installing the antivirus which get inserted into your web browser and not only protected it, but give you warnings about web sites before you click on them, in case they have already been flagged as a danger by other users.
If you missed the plugin integration for your browser during your antiviruses setup, there is usually an option within the program to re-add it.
Periodically Check Added Plugins
Web sites are always asking us questions and with the bombardment it can be quite easy to accept things which we later regret.
I periodically check my browser plugins to make sure only the ones i really want added in are the ones I run. I am pretty much not interested in any other plugin but the antivirus injected, by it will be personal choice.
If I do not know what an add-on does, I remove it immediately!
Enable Popup Blockers
Most web browsers come with a popup blocker.
Not all popups are bad, but a lot of criminals use popups to lead to compromising your computer. I try to stick with the popup blockers which come with your browsers.
Are lot of Popup blockers you download and add to your system can come with there own annoying promotions.
And remember, sometimes it might be necessary to turn the popup blocker off, but don’t forget to put them back on when you are finished.