We all use Windows for a lot of basic things like checking emails, writing documents, research, playing games or just surfing the web. But there are tonne of other things Windows 10 can do you probably didn’t know about.
I know what you are thinking’ it’s going to be totally geeky stuff, only Townsville computer nerds are going to want to kn ow about. But you will be surprised. Windows 10 can do a lot of things the average person will find useful also.
Analyse storage space on your pc
Everyone hates running out of space on their computer hard drive. Yes, sometimes we fill it up with junk we have either downloaded or accumulated from surfing the web.
You don’t always have to go out and buy a new computer or more storage space.
A lot of the time you can remove a lot of stuff you don’t even use, but know what you can and can not remove and what is actually taking up your precious space can sometimes be a lot of guess work.
Windows 10 makes it very easy to analyse disk space.
All you need to do is go to the search settings in Windows 10 and type “storage” to get a better idea of your storage for your computer.
Virtual Desktops
Virtual Desktops can be useful when you have more than one computer monitor and screen.
Even if you don’t have multiple screens virtual desktops are a good way to keep your screens independent and organised to what you are doing.
Imagine you have multiple desktops all on the same computer, on the same login and you get a better idea of what virtual desktops are.
Select, Windows key + Tab and you will be able to see all the independent applications and desktops you are running on your current computer.
Share WIFI Passwords
Using Wi-Fi Sense in Windows 10 Networking settings will allow you to share your wireless with people within proximity of your wireless router, without actually having to give them your wireless password.
By linking your contacts to yourself, no one has to see your password and once they get within range of your wireless access point, router etc will be able to access the internet immediately (in theory).
Recycle Bin in Start Menu
Now you can easily choose Recycle Bin from your start menu, so you no longer have to go hunting around for it.
This probably isn’t as interesting as the other features I have listed here, but we wanted it apparently, and no we have got it!
Notifications Management
You might have already seen it on the right hand of your screen popping up every time you get a new email or notification.
Like Apple Mac OSX and Linux Operating system which have had these features for years, now Windows 10 comes with notifications as well.
Much like your mobile phone constantly letting you know thing s you either do or don’t care about, your Windows 10 computer will do the same, so you wont miss a thing.