If you have a business or a website, you have probably been contacted a million times before over the phone or spammed in your email of ways to make your website run better or rank higher in Google.
There are a many ways to do this, but none of them guaranteed to rank you better – even though people will claim they know how or have the secret.
A well guarded secret
Although so many web designers and internet/telemarketers will tell you they know the secret – none of them do.
And on top of that Google change the way the rank your website (search algorithm) all the time.
We do not know exactly how Google do it, but there are some time tested techniques and fundamentals of web development that do consistently work over time.
They are not secrets, they are just the right way of doing things.
Look at it from Googles Point of View
Google ranks your website, and sometimes you might even pay Google to advertise your website through their contextual ads program – Google Adwords – Google Advertising – Google Ads.
But, Google still does not consider you their customer.
They consider the millions of people every day who go to their website and search, to be their customers.
Looking at it from Googles point of view, they obviously want to bring the very best experience to their customers.
So you, as the the business or web designer making the website or business creating a site, need to think – “What can I do to bring the very best experience to my customers also”. If you can answer this question, will you will be well on your way to making your website rank higher in the SERPS – Search Engine Results Pages.
You need to look at it from Googles point of view.
So how do I do that?
I am not going to give out all my techniques I use here to get my websites Ive developed ranked so well.
There are a lot of fancy words people use to do this like SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
Most interent marketers use these terms and throw all their stock into this category. This is a big mistake.
Although all my sites practice good SEO, its only a small peice of the puzzle, but most developers love it because its quick to implement.
The truth of the matter is if you want to rank your sites well in search engines like Google, its a lot of hard work, research and a smarter way of thinking – looking at it form Googles point of view and your customers.
The biggest mistake people make designing a website
You want a great looking website yeah?
Its good to have a beautiful website. There is not point putting in all your effort to get customers to your website if looks like rubbish and you loose them within the first few seconds.
Unfortunately though, having a great looking websites does very little to contribute to your search engine ranking. I am not saying its not important, but its not really what search engines use to determine where you show up in their results.
There are many other factors to take into consideration, such as speed time to load, keywords and page errors – the hard stuff most web designers don’t want to spend time on because they know you (their customer) will probably be happy with a page that looks great – but it wont help your rankings!