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    Update your computers drivers

    Your computer is made up of many different parts. Some are software (computer programs) and the other is hardware (physical components.

    Software is very easy to use. We have designed software so all you have to do is look at it on your screen and click or type into it what you want to do.

    But in the background are a vast range of processes which make all this happen and one of is a smart little piece of programmed code called drives, which allow your computer to talk to the physical components.

    An example of this is if you want tot talk to someone over your web cam. You activate your software, which has drivers built into it which allows your computer to talk to the web cam and send it over the internet so the other person can see you.

    None of this would be able to be done without the help of drivers communicating with your physical components.


    driver updates townsville computer repairs

    Why keep your drivers updated

    Drivers don’t only make your web camera work, they are also responsible for all the other physical parts of your computer, bug and small.

    Something it’s true; if it ain’t broken don’t fix it. And this use to be true a lot of the times with computers.

    But the problem now is everything is changing so quickly and your computer software, operating system and programs are always requiring more from you in the form of performance and updates, you really need to keep your drivers up-to-date if you want your computer to perform at optimal levels.

    If your computer was off the internet and you are doing things which never got updated you wouldn’t need to update your drivers. But for security and performance I highly recommend it.


    How to get your drivers

    Probably the easiest way to get your drivers for the home user is to look at the physical components your computer has and then go to their manufacturers website and download and install them.

    Keeping your Windows computer up-to-date with Windows Updates will include some of the drivers (sometimes) but the best way is to get them straight form the source.

    If you have any problems installing or recovering your computers drivers please call Townsville computer repairs Nerds and we can help you with is.


    What devices use drivers

    Your computers drivers are actually called device drivers and pretty much control of the hardware devices in your computers.

    These programs don’t talk directly with the user and because they are working at such a low level they usually have higher access privileges. You never even know they are there.

    Hardware which use device drivers include but are not limited to:

    • Web Cams
    • Mouse and Keyboards
    • Hard Drivers
    • Speakers and sound Cards
    • Motherboards
    • Modem and Network Cards
    • Graphics Cards
    • CD-ROM, DVD and Blu-Ray

    Usually the more complex the hardware component the bigger the driver will be to download. I find sound card drivers are usually the biggest but rarely exceeds 150 Megabytes.

    Please call Townsville computer repairs Nerds for all your driver needs on 0402 807 890.


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