There are so many things to consider when buying a new computer. Features you have never heard of, security, software, design?
To make it even harder, it’s not like you can take it home and test it first. You’ve got to try it in the shop and even though there are a lot of things you have an idea about, there are always those sneaky things which crop up after a certain amount of time using the new laptop or computer.
Below are a few things to consider when buying a new computer, stuff you never hear about or think to look when in the store.
Power Button on the side
No matter what the reson is for putting the power button on the side of your laptop, it always results in the same thing,
Unblike a desktop computer which basically always satys int he same spot, a laptop or notebook gets picked up, moved around and relocated a lot.
Everytime I pick up my laptop with the power on the side i either end up turning it off whiie I am in the middle of doing something, or i have to wait for it to reboot again.
Either way its just annoying and drives me crazy. Even if i just move it from one side of the table to the other, i will just about always hit the power button.
Make sure you look to see where the power button is when you buy you new laptop.
Touch Screens
When touch screens cam out they were all the rage, Everyone wanted one, you were suddenly not a slave to the keyboard and mouse.
Well, that didn’t last too long before people started getting anoyed by specs of dust and dirty screens making their mouse fly all over the place and cliking on things they never intended to.
If you do get a touch screen some work great, others it is much better to disable the feayrte which can be done on most machines,
Eithert way make sure to keep them clean of dust, water and specs for a less annoying computer experience.
Bloatware is all the software you dont want on your computer which comes automatically so you will subscriobe to this online storage or use that antivirus software.
Computer comanopies put that nuch bloatware and trail software on computers, it can sometimes slow the computer to a halt.
Ask the people who sell your the computer if it has any of this on it and of they can remove it. If not call computer repairs Townsville Nerds and we can come out and remove the nuisances for you.