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    My Computer is Using Lots of RAM – Memory

    RAM (Random-Access Memory) is temporary storage on your computer, which it uses to run tasks open or in the background of your computer.

    Unless hard drive storage which actually stores files on your computer such as programs, files, documents and pictures, RAM loads files used by your computer from the hard drive into is memory while you are using it.

    RAM is much faster than hard drive storage and that’s why it is used for open running files like programs and operating system files and it is removed from the RAM when you are no longer using it or your computer powers off.

    Most modern computers come with at least 8GB of memory which is enough to run most computers that use basic applications. Gaming computers, servers and machines used for editing, video and application development will need more. But for the most part, considering operating system requirements and home usage, 8GB is enough.

    But what does it mean when you computer keeps using all your RAM, why does it make your computer run so slow and what can you do about it?

    townsville computer repairs


    Too Many Programs Opened Up

    Computer programs are selfish, they always want your attention.

    Most programs want you to use them, for whatever, reason, they are very selfish and when you install a computer application more times than not they will tell your computer to start that particular program every time your computer turns on.

    They do this by adding themselves to your startup action sequence when your computer turns on.

    By itself this isn’t a problem until too many programs are automatically loaded up when your computer starts to the point your memory gets filed straight away and your computer runs very slow.

    Removing some of these programs (not from the computer) from the startup directory will resolve this issue.

    You don’t really need a computer program until you are ready to use it.

    Each situation is going to be different but for the most part i usually only really care that the antivirus program starts up automatically with my computer so I know I’m protected (some what).


    Superfecth Service – Renamed SysMain

    Superfetch (SysMain) is a computer program built into Windows computers and is loaded when your computers operating system starts up.

    This program is useful in that it only loads a little bit of the data needed to run common programs when you open them improving the speed at which they operate.

    This program is not really needed for SSD’s (Solid state Drives) but to be honest, stopping this program from running at startup – I have never noticed any computer performance issues, in fact it usually stops a lot of problems.

    SysMain doesn’t always work properly, specially pared with lots of other programs, that could be why its been updated and changed a few times.

    It’s not uncommon for it to make your computer run very slow and use a lot of your memory.

    Superfetch is easily disabled for startup, but as usual make sure your computer is always backed up before making any changes to the operating system, programs or computer start up.


    Viruses and Malware

    Computer Malware can do all sorts of things to your computer.

    From wiping your machine completely clear of all its information, stealing your data or spying on you, computer viruses are responsible for all sorts of damages to computer both software and physical.

    Computer viruses can also use up all your computers memory.

    There have been many reasons hypothesized why Malware is notorious for using up all your RAM and it has been determined for the following three reason:

    1. To read, and steal data being currently used in your memory.
    2. To run havoc on your machine and annoy you.
    3. A lot of viruses are poorly written and don’t run properly.

    All of the above are true, so its important to have a antivirus on your computer, keep it updated and be very careful with what websites you access, what files you accept and what emails you open and from who.

    Removing the virus will usually fix this problem but if there is additional destruction of operating systems your OS might need to be reinstalled again.


    Fragment Hard Drive

    Computers run better when all your information is stored closer together on your hard drive.

    Traditional hard drives work like record players with an arm which stored, reads and writes information to the disk as it spins and an arm reads and writes that information.

    When particular information and data sets are sorted on different parts of the hard drive the computer runs much slower tryinag to access this.

    Your computers operating system is very intelligent and sometimes uses the hard drive free space in exchange for memory.

    Usually it does a very good job of this but fins it more difficult and runs much slower when your hard drives information is fragmented all over the drive.

    You can fix this problem with a simple defragging your hard drive with the system tools built into your operating system.


    Bad Programs

    Its easy to think just because you bought a computer application or because many people use it and its popular that it works properly.

    However, there are lots of computer programs out there which don’t work quite right and run different on different computers.

    There are also lots of other facts as such to different computers and operating system do different things, certain applications fight over resources or just that some developers aren’t as good as other.

    No matter the reasons there are plenty of computer programs out there which don’t run quite right and one of the biggest problems they have are hogging computer resources such as memory and hard drive space.

    Through a process of elimination you can stop each program individually or pay attention to your computers memory usage when you execute them to identify if any of the programs on your computer use a lot of your memory.

    Once identified checking for an update in the program might fix it or you might need to to reinstall the program.

    If not, the developer of the package may be able to help you.

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