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    Working Out Wireless Problems

    Wireless (WIFI) internet and networking on both desktop and laptop computers has changed the way we use them.

    No longer to we have to run cables along the frond, through the walls and wrapped round desks. Simply using the built in wireless adapter in most computers or by adding one with a USB dongle can release us from the restraints of cables and where and how we use our computers.

    However, sometimes no matter how easy these things are suppose to be, they simply don’t work.. Or stop working for some reason.

    This post will en-devour to help you find the best and quickest way for why your internet has stopped working and what you can do to get your wireless back up and running.

    townsville laptop computer man modem internet


    Make Sure Airplane Mode is not on

    Airplane mode is a Windows 8 and 10 function which turns off your computers ability to send and receive signals.

    It does this by disabling the wireless, Bluetooth and mobile broadband connections.

    This is similar to the airplane mode in your mobile cell phone and can be a great feature when you want to turn off all wireless communications simultaneously on your computer.

    This can happen for many different reasons such as an accidental click, faulty software and hardware, or a miscalculation, this function can be enabled and all your wireless communications will stop until it is turned back off.


    Reinstall Your Wireless Network Adapter Driver

    Drivers are computer programs made to help your computer hardware and components talk to the operating system and applications.

    Sometimes they become corrupt or fail. Fortunately most reputable wireless manufactures put their drivers online for their customers to download free of charger.

    If you know the name and type of driver your wireless network adapter uses, you can easily run a search, download and install the latest driver which might fix your wireless network problem.


    Reconfigure Your Firewall

    Firewalls are computer programs similar to antivirus programs and sometimes built into them, which block incoming and outgoing connections.

    Not all connections coming and going from your computer are safe, and they do a very good job of stopping them based on rules set by yourself or provider.

    You might not know it, but you may have more than one firewall running on your computer which can cause all sorts of problems.

    Also, like all other programs on your computer, Firewalls can become corrupt or damaged and may need to be reinstalled again. Try turning off your firewall if you have one temporarily and see if it makes a difference to your wireless internet connection.


    Your Wireless Adapter Maybe Physically Damaged

    Sooner or later all physically components in your computer are bound to fail and wireless adapters are no different.

    A way to find out if yours has if you have tried all of the above is to by a USB wireless adapter and plug it in and see if it works.

    If this fix’s the problem, it might be a quick fix. But if you are still having problems it could be something else in your computer.

    Try another device on the wireless network as well. If you are having problems with two computers, it could be the wireless router which is failing.


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