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    Weird Computer Fixes – Part 1

    Computers are funny machines. Although based on logic and math, computers still do weird things which exactly be explained.

    Some computer repairs we do completely defy logic in the face of what shouldn’t happen, but does. This can happen at the software level but also at the physical component level also.

    This article will endeavor to explain some weird computer repair happenings and what you can try to remedy your problems.

    A bit of a disclaimer; not all solutions here will work for all problems, but they are certainly worth giving a try and before you do anything don’t forget to back up. These problems should always be handled by a professional.


    Re-arranging RAM Modules

    RAM (random access memory) is the temporary memory in your computer which basically holds in place the applications and files you are currently using and working on.

    This type of memory is volatile and lost when you restart your computer. Unlike hard drive storage where files are stored, RAM modules are loaded with these files only when you are accessing, editing and reading them.

    The more memory you have the more files and applications  you can work on at the same time and the overall better your computer will perform.

    Sometimes when your computer does not start, shuts down, restarts or gives a memory error it can be a problem with your ram configuration.

    You might have more than one RAM Memory module in your computer. Simply switching your RAM modules around between different slots, including the ones they are already connected to can remedy this problem.

    Your computer could have been calling this error due to bad memory modules or problematic slots, but we have found many times simply swapping them between can fix this problem, even though it doesn’t make any sense!

    RAM Memory Townsville Computer Repairs


    No Internet Over Wireless

    For most people their computer is dead without internet and would not really want to use it.

    So when the internet goes down and their is suddenly no access people usually loose it pretty quickly. What happens quite often is, as people have multiple devices, when one stops working they jump on another device and see if the wireless is down on that one as well. Only to find it is working.

    There can be many reasons a computers wireless internet is not working. There can be corruption, a virus, conflict or interference.

    Before getting to technical or looking into expensive alternatives, what does work quite often if disconnecting from the wireless adapter you are connected to, forgetting the network in the settings, reconnecting back to the wireless network again and entering the password.

    You wouldn’t believe how many times forgetting a wireless network and reconnecting to again re-establishes a wireless internet network connection.

    townsville laptop computer man modem internet

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