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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Townsville Computer Recycles

    Even the oldest of computers we still see in Townsville are quite sophisticated compared to earlier generations of hi end computers.

    A lot of the time old computer simply do not work anymore, and they cost a lot more to repair than it would to but a new one, when you take into consideration chasing down older less available parts, time and labor.

    So the question is, other than throw an old or computer which is not being used anymore away; what can you do with it.

    Computer recyclers in Townsville can mean a lot of different things. This article will discuss different options and differ things you can do, to recycle your old computer.

    townsville computer recyclers

    Physically Recycling Your Old Computer

    One of my least favorites things to do with an old computer is to physically recycle it.

    I am not talking from an environmental perspective. It’s just you can do so many things with a working old computer which are not only fun, but educational.

    The technology is so great and evolved I just hate seeing old computers get scrapped.

    However, if you which for your computer to go to the computer heaven in the sky, there is a nation wide free service who will take your old computer for recycling completely free.

    Click on this link to learn more, https://recyclingnearyou.com.au/computers/TownsvilleQLD


    Make Your Own Server

    A server is any type of computer with some sort of software which serves other computers, host files, or provides a function to other network devices.

    There are many different types of servers, and most of them aren’t reserved for big business, companies, institutions, or organisations.

    If you have a small business or even at home a little server might just be what you need. The more people who access the server the more resources and power you will need. But if its only a few people, an old recyclable computer will probably do the job.

    What can I use a small server for:

    Back Up Files: If something happens to your computer, you could loose everything. But if you back up all your files to a remote server, in the even of a cartography all your files will be recoverable and be able to be downloaded again.

    Sharing Files: Why keep downloading the same files over and over again. Specially if there are a couple of people on your network. You might want to share files with them, A simple file share could just be what you need.

    Media Server: Media serves are great and allow us to watch media, videos, pictures over the internet or networks. Running media server software like Plex is very easy and can be an effective solution for those who have many media files.

    Servers are very easy to setup and there are many tutorials online. Here is a good one.


    Learn About Linux

    Instead of throwing away your old computer or looking for computer recyclers, consider installing and learning Linux on it instead.

    If you are thinking about recycling your old computer, there is a good chance you have bought a new one and an even greater chance it has the Microsoft Windows operating system on it.

    Linux is a completely free operating system, which you are free to download, change and contribute to.

    It is based on the Unix operating system but is so much more. What started off as a hobby operating system is now the worlds leader in server operating systems and you can now use it on your desktop as well.

    The great thing about Linux is, its a entirely new way to do things, if you are bored with your normal computer.

    Because there are many contributes to its development, it is quite secure and there are tonnes of free applications and packages you can download and install, you can do just about anything on it.

    Many people have made their own version or flavors of Linux based on a core development. These different versions are called distro’s or distributions, and there are more of them than you can count.

    Depending on what you would like to get into, there are versions which focus on desktop computer, servers, security, you name it… there are just so many out there and they are free!


    Computer Recyclers Art

    Did you know there is a whole league and following and culture of people out there dedicated to making art with old and used computer parts.

    A great way to recycle your old computer parts is to turn them into art work for yourself and other to enjoy.

    There is something about the circus and shapes of the components inside of both a desktop computer and laptop computer which look amazing when pulled out, reshaped and stuck together.

    Metallic colours look amazing when painted onto computer parts and people have made everything from houses, building, people and robots all from oldĀ  recyclable computer parts.

    Here is a great link to an Computer Art Web page to give you an idea. https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/390405861419495092/


    Give it to Someone Less Fortunate

    I know, its obvious right. But no, its doesn’t happen as much as you would think.

    With just about everyone being connected one way or another, its easy to think everyone has a computer or mobile device.

    But a lot of people still do not. Specially the older generations who might be curious about them, but not to the point where they want to go out and spend $1000’s.

    You wouldn’t believe how many of my customers are over the age of 70 or 80 and just like doing things like answering emails, making contact with long lost relatives on the other side of the world through social media or just playing games like solitaire.

    There are many different people from all walks of life who need your old recycled computer.

    I recently found a great program called, the Laptop Donation Program. This is there link, https://asylumseekerscentre.org.au/laptop-donation/

    They focus on bringing laptops to people who are seeking asylum and help them do so through study, education and communication. That’s got to be better than throwing your laptop in the trash?

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