Whether you are updating, upgrading or starting from a fresh installation of Windows, there can always be problems.
Windows 11 have been around now for over 6 months and a lot of people are still having problems installing Microsoft latest operating system.
Your operating system is the environment in which you work in, it helps you talk to the computer, the hardware and the programs. If all the programs on your computer such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Office are the countries, the operating system such as Windows, Linux or OSX would be the Earth in which the exsist.
Your operating system is one of the main components of your computer and can either work and install easily, or can be a nightmare trying to trouble shoot why it wont install.
At Townsville computer repairs Nerds we see a lot for computers with Windows issues and installation errors. Fortunately, many of these problems can be attributed to a few little problems that are easily remedied.
You Need More Diskspace
When we say you need more diskspace, this is does not mean you need to head out nd buy another computer or bigger hard drive.
Sometimes it can be as easy as freeing up some space on your existing computer.
Think about all the files you use and don’t use, and decided if any of these can be deleted on backed up onto a remote storage provider or an external hard drive.
A handy free little tool you can also use to help you free up diskspace of files you no longer need is CCleaner. This will delete no longer used system files and cache files in your web browser which build up over time you no longer need.
Another good place to look for files you no longer need is on your Downloads folder.
If Upgrading Disable Your Antivirus Protection
Before you do anything, only disable your antivirus program if you are sure your computer is free of Malware by doing a scan first and make sure you have not download a fake compromised version of Windows 11. To be sure, download from the Microsoft Website.
You do not need to uninstall the antivirus program such as Norton or Avast, just disable them.
For the most part antivirus application do a good job of protecting your computer but can sometimes become over protective and have a habit of halting operating system upgrades like Windows 100.
And most importantly, do not forget to enable and start up the antivirus program once the upgrade is complete and you start using your computer or laptop again.
Still Having Problems
If you are still having problems call Ross at Townsville computer repair Nerds on 0402807890. Its easy to think you might have lost all your data when your computer crashes and the installation does not complete.
We have an excellent reputation of recovering customers files, data, photos, movies and documents.