Just about everyone uses Facebook these days for personal, business or advertising use.
Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with people, create and join special interest groups, engage with your customers, send messages and even to read the news and find out what is going on
Although a lot of people use Facebook for social reasons and playing games, there is also a very serious side to it when it comes to your personal information, for businesses and just basic home users a like.
Your Facebook information is not on useful to hackers and criminals, it is also financially valuable to them for marketing and advertising purposes.
Many people have had their Facebook accounts hacked and not been able to get into them. Some people have been able to access their accounts and find who ever was using it did all sorts of horrible things.
How to tell if your Facebook has been hacked
There are a couple of ways that usually send up big red flags when people think their Facebook might have been hacked.
The main one is when they try to log in and Facebook prompts them for a different password and information when the password was recently changed.
For a lot of hackers, specially ones geared to making money from you in the Internet Marketing area it is more beneficial for them to allow you to keep using your Facebook to spy on you and message your friends in hope of spreading their marketing warez.
You will know when this is happening because you will be getting notification and messages from people and apps you never contacted or had anything to do with.
Why do people hack your Facebook
Although there is always that element out there who just like to wreak havoc, most of the time it is people trying to for financial gain.
There are billions of people out there who are poor and desperate. The internet connection you are using provides a direct link to all sorts of people from around the world.
Your personal information and social bearings are like money in the bank to creative Internet Marketers.
I have also seen instances of where people Facebooks accounts have been hacked and they have been contacted and held ransom for money in return for access back into their account.
Also pother people have had person information and pictures etc stolen and used against them.
What can you do about
Again prevention is better than the cure. Make sure you use an awesome password not just for your Facebook account, but also for the email address and account you used when you signed up for Facebook in the first place.
And don’t forget to make both passwords different and change them every few weeks or months if possible.
If your Facebook account has been hacked you can request a change of password be sent to your email address or their is a process in which you can follow a bunch of security questions about yourself and relating to your Facebook activity.
If you are more seriously compromised please call Ross from Townsville computer repair Nerds on 0402 807 890 for more help.