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    Computer Terminology Part 1

    Im always looking for new things to right about on my website; some of them are important, others are just for fun, I’ll let you decide which one this is.

    Speaking to customers, friends and family on a daily basis there seems to be a lot of mixed terminology regarding computer, desktops, laptops, tablets, phones and fab lets etc. So I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for myself as well to brush up on my terminology.

    I don’t personally think any of these should be set in stone. Words and terminology, specially in the computer industry arise and change every day.


    Computer Terminology


    CPU – Central Processing Until

    The CPU is basically the brain of the computer, the part that does all the thinking. A lot of people will call the actual computer or it’s tower the CPU but it is actually a little chip that can fit in your palm that is the CPU.

    When you execute a program or set of instructions the CPU is responsible for making that happen.


    Computer Hacker

    I guess if you have ever watch a Hollywood movie you would be forgiven for thinking a computer hacker is some teenage boy sitting in his parents basements breaking into government or bank computers.

    But when we refer to hacking it really means someone who is writing computer code. Yes some people make code to hurt you like viruses, but every computer program or operating system you use on your computer or phone is written in a computer programming language so you can use it.


    Computer Cracker

    A computer cracker is probably more like the Hollywood character we see.

    Like a safe cracker, this could be someone who tries to crack into a computer for profit or fun. Big company’s got smart a few years back and started offering computer crackers jobs after they had broken into their systems. Who else would know better how to fix a security flaw, other than the person who broke into it in the first place.


    Wifi and Internet

    Many people get this mixed up and it is understandable why. Although it may seem like your wifi is your internet because when you connect to your home wifi you are usually straight online, but it is not the case.

    Your internet is on your modem or router. Your wifi is just how it is delivered to you, how you connect to your modem or router (which is the internet).  If your router is not connected to the internet your computer can still have wifi and be connected to the router or modem.


    Internet and Web Browser

    Your internet and web browser are related but are two seperate things.  The internet is combination of millions of computers, servers and routers etc that join together to make a global network of services.

    These services include file servers, email servers and web services like the delivery of web pages like Google and Facebook. How we see and view these web pages is through a web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    They each exist independently of each other, but without the internet it would be very hard to access these services.

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