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    Windows 7 End of Life

    As of the 14th of January 2020 Windows 7 will no longer be supported by Microsoft. Which basically means they will no longer be releasing updates or patches for the operating system which contribute to its security, stability and general well being.

    This however does not mean you need to throw out or upgrade your Windows 7 computer. It doesn’t mean it will stop working and if you do upgrade there are many things to consider, specially when weighting against upgrading the operating system or buying a whole new computer.

    Windows 7 is the operating system, on your computer. It is the environment you operate in, it facilitates you to be able to talk to the programs you are using and help them talk to the physical hardware you are using with ease.

    windows 7 operating system townsville


    Do I need to Upgrade to Windows 8 or 10

    No, you do not need to upgrade to Windows 10 because Microsoft are no longer making updates for Windows 7.

    However, if you do not upgrade there are certain things to consider. Such as security, new programs released no t made for Windows 7 and the general use of your computer and being left behind.

    All major programs being released currently are more focused on Windows 10 which uses a lot of different features which Windows 7 does not have.

    Also, you current;y programs on your computer might not be able to be upgraded while still using the Windows 7 Operating System.


    Security Concerns

    There are certain security concerns to consider if staying with Windows 7.

    As Microsoft will no longer be providing updates for Windows 7 this will include security features as well.

    You can still run your current antivirus program on your windows 7 computer which will provide security against hackers and virus programs.

    However, the actual Windows 7 operating system might have vulnerabilities in it and wholes which will be discovered and not remedied as there are no more updates being issued. Which in itself is a security risk.


    Things to Consider when Upgrading to Windows 10



    If you currently have Windows 7 on your computer, there is a good chance your computer is over 5 years old, or more.

    Technology has improved a lot int he last 5 years and when you put the new and latest Windows 10 operating system on your computer, it is going to make certain physical demands and have hardware expectations.

    If you old computer is unable to meet the demands of the new operating system it might run very very slow.

    It’s as if you have the same horse in the race for the past 5 years and the horse is still the same but the jockey has been eating lots and putting on more weight. The performance of the horse – the operating system, is going to suffer and slow right down.



    When upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7, you will have a lot of files, programs and settings already on your computer.

    These programs might be running really well in the Windows 7 environment, but might not be compatible with the New Windows 10.

    In a perfect world it would be great if everything work flawless during an upgrade but in reality it doesn’t always happen and you might find older, no longer supported programs either run very sloe under Windows 10 or do not open up and run at all.


    What you currently do Vs What you want to do in the future

    If you feel comfortable using Windows 7 and do not need to upgrade, its probably not worth upgrading until you absolutely need to.

    I would be very apprehensive on spending money on a computer of that age.

    When the time comes and you r computer no longer works, then you will have no choice but to use a later model computer, with a later operating system.

    The option is always there to upgrade, but you are taking a risk with an older computer.

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