I get asked the one a lot. Probably because people have tried the usual routes like P2P networking or torrents.
Torrents are great and not only used for downloading digital files illegally. Lots of people and company’s use torrents to legally distribute files over the internet. The good thing about torrents are they are not stored and centralised in one place, but rather stored on lots of peoples computers and shared to whoever has torrent software and wants to download them.
The good thing about this is it’s very accessible to download what you like for free, such as music, videos, software, digital books and games.
The bad thing about this is not only is it illegal and could wind you in trouble with the law or people who create this content, a lot of people will also use these type of sharing mediums to put viruses and spyware on your computer.
Below is a list of free and paid places you can legally watch or listen to music.
It might sound a bit obvious but Youtube.com is the number one source for money people to quickly and easily go to to watch or listen to music.
Most people have the internet now in Townsville and anyone who has a mobile phone can download the Youtube app and listen to whatever they fill like instantly.
Youtube is Free.
Apple Itunes Store
A lot of people aren’t going to like paying a couple of dollars to download a song. But if you are asking me where to download music legally and safely, Itunes is your answer.
Apple Itunes has a huge repository of songs and I don’t think there has ever been a time I have searched for something on there and not been able to find it.
Viemo is a lot like Youtube and is getting a lot of momentum. It is not as big as Youtube but has nowhere the amount of advertising and you don’t have to sit through long drawn out ads between videos.
If you like showing your videos or are a professional developer, Vimeo might be better suited to you.
A lot of professionals use Vimeo to show off there warez and you have a lot more control of your videos such as the ability to control who sees them as well as password protect your movies.
Soundcloud is the Facebook of Music. Professionals and amateurs display their videos and it has much more of a social setting to music and soundbites.
Again there are privacy settings and it helps to know a lot of people. Depending on who you get involved with Soundcloud can be very rewarding and it to get into new and cutting edge genres.