Part 2 of useful computer hacks you can do yourself to save time and money. Anything I can do to save my customers money I am all for.
Scheduled Tasks to Automate
Schedule tasks can get complicated depending on what you are trying to do so I wont go into too much detail here.
It really depends on what you are trying to do but using scheduled tasks can not only free up a lot of your time but can do things which need to run on your computer without you always having to think of it.
Everything from automating when programs run such as your antivirus to turning off your computer and back on a certain times can be done through scheduled tasks.
Anything you can think of has already been done through schedule tasks and a search on the internet will yield an infinite amount of technical strategies to get everything done.
Use a different web Browser
If you are not happy with your current web browser such as Internet Explorer which came with your computer there are plenty of other options and browsers you can use.
In fact Internet Explorer has stopped making upgrades as it has moved into Windows Edge on Windows 10 so now is as good as time as ever to try a different web browser.
The other two major browsers which are available totally free to download on the internet are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Both are great alternatives and are packed with features and plugins to get whatever you need done on the internet done effectively and with security built in mind.
Use an Old Computer Monitor
Much like your internal keyboard failing on your laptop, so the same can happen with your laptop monitor. It can be quite expensive replacing laptop monitors and a lot of people choose to buy a new laptop instead.
But if you don’t mind using your laptop in the place all the time rather than carting it around, plugging in an old desktop monitor you might have laying around the house might be your answer to getting some more life out of your monitor.
Even if you just want to get the data off your computer because your screen is not working this is very helpful and you can plug in a monitor and USB external hard drive to accomplish this.
This will not work on all laptops so you need to look on the side and see if there is a connection for a monitor which will most likely be VGA or HDMI with the later notebooks.