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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    Site Hotel Wifi Test

    Most of us travel; and even more of us need to stay connected. In a world where for a lot of people it would be torture to stay somewhere for even a day without internet access, a lot of people are planning their hotel based on whether the accomodation will have wifi and internet access.

    The website “Hotel Wifi Test” takes this one step further. And with a lot of hotels still not caring if there customers have access to wifi, the site is becoming a big success.

    Many hotels claim to have internet access and simply don’t have any. Others do have wifi, but it is so slow and patchy it might as well not have it at all.

    Test Hotel Wifi Speeds

    With not only business travellers but anyone with a mobile phone starting to plan their hotel site based on the tech conditions, Hotel Wifi Test has become the go to site for people waiting to know how fast, how reliable and generally what the internet is like in particular hotels.

    With Hotel Wifi Test customers of Hotels can leave a review of the condition of the Hotels Wifi and internet for other people to see and can even perform real time tests and upload it to the website.

    With Geo Based location services enabled, accessing the website and using it when you are in a hotel couldn’t be easier.

    All you need to do is click on your hotel in the top left hand side of the website, which will find the closest hotels in your area for you, so you can choose the one you are staying in. The you click on “Begin Test” and the site will do the rest.


    The results (who is the best)

    Right now I using the site I am able to see a bunch of Hotels close to me in Townsville.

    The drop down menu when choosing a hotel seems to work very well and I can see all the hotels in my area quite accurately.

    In the search field I typed the name “Townsville” to search for Hotels in Townsville with wifi which bought a bunch of results.

    Hotel Wifi Results in Townsville

    It doesn’t look too good for Townsville hotels unfortunately. The leading Hotel was the Holiday Inn which in the heart of the city with a result of 6.7 Mbps which is pretty much the average speed of any house in Townsville, without NBN.

    I can only assume they are using an ADSL connection and don’t have the NBN.

    On the other hand they could have a 100Mbps connection and just have so many people using it at the time of the test, it appeared only as 6.7. Either way they are the leading result in Townsville.





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