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    No more updates for older versions of Internet Explorer

    As of the 12th of January 2016 Microsoft will no longer support older versions of Internet Explorer including versions, 8,9 and 10.

    Internet Explorer is one of the oldest web browsers used for searching and using the internet to look at web pages.  A lot of people still have older versions of I.E. on their computer due to older Operating Systems and not enabling automatic updates.

    In a push so more people will use Microsoft Windows 10 (Microsoft hope to have 1 billion people using it by the end of the year) there will no longer be any more security updates or support for anything but Internet Explorer 11.


    IE Internet Explorer 11


    Why you should upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 if you can

    Internet Explorer 11 is much smarter and much faster.

    Independent test show that downloading a webpage, specially one which has a lot more graphics, text, animation and sound is a lot more quicker than any of it predecessors.

    Internet Explorer 11 replies on your computers graphics card rather than your CPU to process graphics which makes it far superior in speed and it renders websites beautifully.

    Better Security and more Privacy

    Internet Explorer 11 takes your security a lot more serious than previous builds. Unlike Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, Microsoft just hasn’t taken security and privacy that serious in the past.

    Internet Explorer 11 is a nice breath of fresh air for people who wish to browse the internet in Incognito mode.

    New features such as being able to choose what sites can store cookies and track your movements to easily accessing delete browsing history version 11 is defiantly a better option for anyone who wants to improve their general overall privacy when browsing the web.

    Smarter Browsing

    I know what your thinking, “How can a web browser be smarter?”

    Internet Explorer 11 not only makes better deaccessions when downloading your website for you to view it also based on your previous actions is able to predict what and where you might go next and start pre-downloading that website or option so when you choose to, it will show a lot faster.

    I have not personally tried testing this, maybe because i cant decide what I want to do next most of the time, but a lot of people have told me this is a great feature and has definitely increased the speed of their web page browsing.


    Graphic User Interface

    It just looks better. It really does, the whole look and feel of Internet Explorer 11 gives rivals such as Google Chrome a run for its money and for the first time in a long time I wouldn’t have a problem switching from Firefox or Chrome to Internet Explorer 11.

    NOTE: Not all versions of Microsoft Windows will support Internet Explorer 11. It comes native with Windows 10, but can be downloaded free for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.

    Make the change today and download and install Internet Explorer 11.

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