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    Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

    My Bank eMailed Me and Asked Me to Login

    One of the worse things you can do is login to an account with a link you found in an eMail.

    This is the very reason why banks and important institutions never ask you to login with links they have put in an email.

    Just because the link in your eMail says ANZ, doesn’t necessarily mean it will take you to ANZ Bank.

    Every day many people in Townsville are getting taken advantage of by putting their emails into a fake website which looks exactly like the one the use every day.

    Maybe it’s because we are trusting, maybe its because routine and we are use to going to that site, or maybe its because it looks so authentic. Many of us are still getting caught and taken advantage of.

    fraud spyware banking townsville


    The way this type of scam works

    Criminals send the same generic email out to a lot of people, asking them to use a link within the email to login to a particular bank.

    A lot of people will say, “I’m not with this bank and ignore it”.

    But for the few who are with that bank, they trust it because they are use to getting those emails from them on a regular basis.

    Although this one is slightly different. It informs the user their is a problem with their bank details and asks them to login with a link, usually am image they have provided within the email.

    They click on the link image/link which takes them to a site which looks exactly like their banks, but without noticing, the web address is ever slightly so different.

    They put their bank details, username and password into the fields and then the criminals now have your details.


    How to not get caught by this scam

    The first thing is to realise banks never email you and ask for your details.

    However, if a bank does need you to login for whatever reason or you do as well, do not use the links provided in the email.

    Instead close the email, open a web browser windows such as Google Chrome and manually type the email address for your bank or website, letter by letter yourself, to make sure you have gone to the exact correct site.

    If in doubt call your bank.


    What if you have been caught by this scam

    The first thing you need to do is call your bank and let them know your credentials have been compromised. They will make the necessary arrangements.

    What can also happen is some of these websites can ask you to agree to certain terms and accept downloads which might and can compromise your computer as well.

    Adding viruses like Spyware which can further spy on other things you do on your computer is quite common also.

    If you think you might have become a victim to this type of scam and you think your computer or laptop is acting different because of it please call Townsville Nerds today on 0402 807 890.

    Turn your computer off immediately and do not use it.

    The best thing you can also do at this time is pick up the phone and call any of the businesses you have used such as Paypal or your bank and request they change your login and password details.



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