Having a good password these days to protect your computer and internet accounts might sound pretty obvious these day, you would still find it surprising however how many people are still using their name, or birth date etc.
Gone are the days where we could just use something basic or even something up to 8 characters long with symbols. With super fast internet, better cracking tools and software to get your passwords, it is now more important than ever to have a password bot, computers and people find hard to crack/hack.
Length vs Complexity
Experts have switched back and forth over the years telling us we should you as much complexity as possible, only to bounce back and say, no make it long.
Complexity will help prevent your password from human attackers who will more likely use words they, but length will make it harder for both computers and people to crack your passwords and security.
What I do is try and make it as long as possible, but not too long I cant remember it and it will take me forever to type it in, and with some complexity such as weird characters you don’t use every day such as ~ and `.
Dont Use The Same Passwords for Every Site
A big mistake a lot of us do is we use the same password over and over, for every site.
Although you have a very long and secure password, all that needs to happen is someone who owns one of these sites to look at your password and if you use it on another site.
Popular sites such as eBay and Paypal would be a target where they could try the same username and password combination you used on their site.
Password Generators
If you find it hard coming up with good passwords you could use a password generator to make one for you.
Password generators are good because they come up with random passwords generated to meet your requirements. You don;t have to tell them where you are going to use it so you are safe from them knowing and you can set your own length and complexity.
String Password Generator is a very good and popular one a lot of people use. Click Here
Multifactor Authentication
If you really want to protect your computer or website, the best way to go about it is to use Multiform Authentication which uses multiple authentication methods.
One example of this would be on your computer, by protecting the login with both a long and complex password and a finger print authentication if your computer has one, like a lot of mobile phones.