Debian 9
This is week saw the latest instalment of the much anticipated Linux distribution Debian (9) ‘Stretch’.
Debian named after its created Ian and then girlfriend Debbie is one of the oldest and most stable Linux distributions used and loved by millions of people and company who use it for everything from servers to desktop operating systems.
Debian developers release updates and upgrades slower than other Linux flavours due to their focus on stability and security.
Linux operating systems where muck harder to use than Windows based computers initially but have come along way over the years to incorporate desktop functionality.
Debian promises to always bee free and in doing so earned a cult following and reputation as one of the most professional, secure and stable operating systems used by lots of web servers and hosts around the world.
The latest version of Debian (9 stretch) took approximately 26 months to develop, will be supported for the next 5 years and is completely free to download, install, upgrade and to change.
Kogan to sell NBN Plans
Everybody knows Kogan as a cheap place online to get TV and phones who usually blow their competitors completely out of the water.
Now Kogan is starting to sell NBN plans as well, piggy backing off the Vodafone network.
No one knows how the pricing will work out or compete with the rest of NBN revellers just yet, as they will not start until 2018. But with Kogans reputation as competitive pricing, large market share and massive audience you can bet they will have a lot of people signing up early.
Firefox Releases Updated Version 54
Although Google Chrome is the go to browser in 2017 for most people, a lot of people still use Mozilla Firefox for its diverse range of Add-ons and stability.
This week Firefox released its version 54 focused on more security and stability, specially for 32 bit versions.
Attackers are always devising new ways and exploiting vulnerabilities in systems and browsers to compromise your computer. Firefox are constantly updating their browsers to try and secure your web experiences and have gained a reputation for being very proactive.
The new Firefox update allows users to process 4 media streams simultaneously.
Townsville Computer Repairs
Townsville Nerds is a locally owned and service computer repair business owned by Ross Rudall.
Townsville Nerds has been operating in Townsville for over 20 years and offer no obligation, completely free quotes.
If you do not accept out quote, your diagnosis is still 100% completely free.